Back in 1999, the Winge Bounce was revealed to the World...and I thought that
it would be the last one to
ever be invented...
...but...W didn't stop there!...
Six months later...
...I had another
'mechanical vision'...
which led to
And in 2008,
surfaced as another
cleansing alternative!
In August, 2018, the
introduction of
the Pendulum Teethbrushing Protocol became publicized!"
Completely out of the Blue,
in April of
'Lightbulb' went off in my Head
and I dubbed it

'Most Violent Toothbrushing Method'
known to Man!
And then,
a couple of months after that,
the '90' Method,
where the handle is held vertically up or down,
90 degrees off of the Horizontal,
and where most all of the now 13 techniques
can be performed,
came to me in June of
These last two methods
were constructed as a
'Visceral and Emotional Response'
to the start of the World's COVID Crisis!...
And...most recently,
The Winge 'Chaos' Double-Brush Toothbrushing Technique
made itself known to me,
and I decided to reveal it
to the World on the first day of the New Year 2022!
Come to think of it...'s sort of scary
and sobering,
and I am definitely Blessed,
at this time,
I am the only person alive
that has
invented a bonafide Toothbrushing Technique!
Now, my seven brushing options now are added
to the other six known toothbrushing methods,
The Bass (1953), Charters (1948), Smith-Bell (1948), Leonard (1939), Fones (1934), and Stillman (1932).
So, as the First Black Man in America to forge a teeth cleaning method, I am Humbled!
A Side Note:
The Winge Modified Bounce is performed by approaching the sulcus while bouncing on the supragingival
enamel, then proceeding gingivally, and then ultimately entering into, and bouncing gently in the 'Valley
of the Sulcus,' to loosen and debride away accessible accumulated biofilm deposits.
Love Toothbrush®
“You took it last time!...

...Now it's My Turn!”
"Spring Weather!...
...I want You!"
Meanwhile...Back In Tooth Fairy Land...
"I'm streaming the Latest...
...EDM Rave!"
May you have many...
The Winge Institute For The Oral Sciences
The Winge Cyber/Virtual Dental School
We're Turning Dentistry Upside Down!
The Dentist Who Loves You Back
The Weekly Dental Entertainment Program
The Second Life DentistThe World's Best Dental Adventure Blog
Dentistry And Second Life
Second Life-Dental Blog
Fairy Tales Of The Mouth
A Thousand And One Dental Bites
Dental Comic Book
My Mouth Made Me Do It
The Biggest and Baddest Dentist in History
The Dental Blog That You Can Read To Your Kids
For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.