"I'm checking out
this Microbe just
comes in on the scene,
and starts 'Wrecking Things!'...Like a
Real 'Pimp' should!"
"Did you see that Fine-Looking Bacterium go by?...

...I'm awake Now!...
"We are Playing with our Food before

devouring it Completely!"
The Oral Olympics

Tumbling Team!...
"Let's walk on
the Wild Side!"
Today's weather is... Cloudy....
with a chance of Precipitation!
Meanwhile...Back In Tooth Fairy Land...
"How did I ever make it...

without My Cell?"
Dental Hygiene Wars
"I'm ready to investigate...

all Sulcular Threats!"
May you have many...

The Winge Institute For The Oral Sciences
The Winge Cyber/Virtual Dental School
We're Turning Dentistry Upside Down!
The Dentist Who Loves You Back
The Weekly Dental Entertainment Program
The Second Life DentistThe World's Best Dental Adventure Blog
Dentistry And Second Life
Second Life-Dental Blog
Fairy Tales Of The Mouth
A Thousand And One Dental Bites
Dental Comic Book
My Mouth Made Me Do It
The Biggest and Baddest Dentist in History
The Dental Blog That You Can Read To Your Kids
For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.