"OMGosh!...I just got my New Year's 'X-Smile!'...
...And I love It!"

"OMGosh!...I just got my New Year's 'X-Smile!'...
...And I love It!"
"These No Good Humans!...Polluting My Oceans!...And The Lands...
With Their Trash...And Wifi...And Disease...And
Homelessness-Producing Capitalism!!...
My Hundreds Of Brothers...And Sisters...And I...
...Shall Lay Waste...To Them All!"...
it’s Christmas Time,
and everything’s going
along pretty well,
as expected
all over the lands,
and the Children
are highly anticipating
some great Presents coming,
and Parents are getting
the Gifts ready,
while keeping them away
from the Kids,
and Santa is doing
some last-minute chores
so that his Christmas Eve Night
goes off without a hitch!
But…deep in the bowels of the World’s Ocean Waters,
a foreboding presence
is waking up...
and is making its way
up to the land
of Many Countries!
And…Oh No…
the Dreaded...
...the One and Only...
And now
they start
tearing up the buildings
in different Cities
causing fires
and explosions and
with their breaths of fire, in Europe,
in the
and elsewhere,
the Populations all over
for their Lives!
...All of this, while...
Very Dear Christmas
Days are going on!
And some immediately warn that
Humans are 'in for it!'
Even the sky of the Earth
is going 'Bonkers!'
the Rugrats Version of Godzilla
was sort of
Fun, but...this is real!
However... when a very
'Eccentric Dentist'
all of this
'Commotion at Christmas,'
from a friend,
she asks,
"Can you do
something to
Save Us?"
Then He says, "Sure!"
Now, the Dentist goes home
heads into his
and in a little while...
comes up with an idea
to make all
of the Godzillas
go back into the Oceans
where they belong!...
He steps
to his Music Synthesizer
makes up
Roaring Noise
and adds a
barely audible
'Come to Momma'
clip to it,
and he contacts the Navy
has the Navy Submarines
all around the World
that are submerged,
play the sounds of
what seems to be
the call of the
‘Mother Godzilla!’...
...can you believe it?...
...As soon as the Sonic Transmissions
of the sound mimicking Mother Godzilla
are broadcast loudly underwater,
all of the Godzillas
around the world,
which have
excellent hearing detection,
stop in their tracks!
And they holler out
what may be,
coming home!"
And with that,
they all Roar once more
...where they
So, Christmas is on,
once again,
though there's some
Major Cleanup to do,
We can still...Hip Hip
“When You get Angry and start to Destroy Things, is that some of your ‘Godzilla Genes'
expressing themselves?"
Santa's just waiting for Summer
so that
He can
'Hang Ten' with Friends!
one day, Olah Orala, D.D.S.
just happens to be
flying by the North Pole,
and he decides to give his Buddy,
Santa Claus, a call…
"I'll meet you Home
in just a minute," says Santa,
as he and his Reindeer
come in for
a landing...
And after
Doctor Orala
lands his
Personal Jet,
he meets with
Santa in the
Christmas Tree Room...
Now Santa smiles, "Good to see you
Old buddy
all of My Teeth are still doing just Fine!”
“That’s good to hear,”
says the Doctor,
“but looking at your sleigh right here…
...it looks like it has a
whole bunch of miles...and decades
on it!”…
“You’re right about that,” smiles Santa,
“it’s been so long!”
Doctor Olah Orala thinks and says,
“I’ve had so many
New Billionaires retaining Me for $300,000 a year,
Emergency Only,
with a guaranteed ‘Extremely Rapid Response Rate,’
should I be needed at the 'Drop of a Hat,'
that, I want to say,
“Santa, Go ahad and Splurge…on a new Sleigh…
...or...any variation thereof!...""
"Well, thanks, Olah!...I'll see what's
out there!"
So, they
sit and chat and shoot the breeze a
while longer,
then the Doctor, gets an
emergency call... "Brother Santa,
It looks like
I'm needed in Madagascar!...You know
that I'm going to stop by again
when I can!"
"Sure, Doctor Orala, and I'll
let you know what
New Sleigh I get!"
"Sure Thing, Buddy!" says the Doctor,
as he
goes to Antananarivo...which
is almost on the other side
of the world!...
So, Santa gets online
and he sees some things
that look nice,
but, some are
for an
around the World Jaunt!
So, he goes in town,
and some salesmen are trying
to make him
Jet Hoverboard,
and a
and even
...A Custom
And Next to it
the Mother of all Digital
"What's this
New World coming to?" asks
as he smiles and says 'Thanks' and
almost walks out...but the guy says,
Let me just show you
one more Choice...it's
a Family Heirloom, but no one
wants it!"
"Okay," says Santa as
he follows the guy back to a warehouse...
"Santa, I've got two things
to show you!"...
..."This right here can get you around the
'Supersonically Fast!'
"And what's the other Choice," asks Santa...
"The other Choice is this...
with a Heater and Headlights
and sturdy Reindeer Hookups!"
"I'll Take it!...and...
Please deliver it
Immediately!" smiles an ecstatic Santa!
the sales man,
after signing the papers,
does a Song
a Dance!
Now, as Santa is about to leave,
the Salesperson says,
"That Santa Jet is Made for you, though, Sir, and
please come back for a Test Drive!"
So, as
Santa takes the New Sleigh
out for