Sunday, January 5, 2014

I Did A Little Dental Math…And You Won’t Believe This, But…

-The perfect sunny day HSR is ITCHING TO IMMEDIATELY GREEN LIGHT your “long-term lovely” smile!-

Brush the teeth per session for at least two minutes, twice a day 2 x 2 = 4 minutes brushed

4 minutes brushed/ day  x 30 days/month = 120 minutes brushed/month

120 minutes/ month = 2 hours brushed/month

2 hours brushed/month x 12 months in a year = 24 hours brushed in a year!

Okay! That’s at least one full day/year for all of the times brushed.

That’s what it takes to keep your “COA” , or smile, super!

What’s more difficult, however, is figuring out the time that people spend flossing per day and over a year’s time.

Let’s see about the time spent rinsing with a supportive, maybe even fluoride, rinse:          

Rinse for 30 seconds after brushing, twice a day = 1 minute of rinsing/day

1 minute of rinsing/day x 365 days a year = 365 minutes of rinsing/year

365minutes of rinsing per year / 60 min/hr = 6 hours of a mouthful/ year!

Don’t swallow any, or burst out laughing while gargling…it could get messy!

The power of math helps to put Preventive Dentistry into several perspectives!

Just a thought, but, how long does one spend reading this blog per year?

I’m not sure, but thanks for scanning these pages!

May you have many…time really does compress and fly by when you’re having fun…I don’t want a robot cleaning my teeth… meditating within that space-time interface, where every second from the future melts into a second in the past…smiles!

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