Friday, June 21, 2024

The Winge Aesthetic/Beauty Quadrilateral Of The Face...


"A new Biometric Interpretation System has come into fruition,

which can be used by Security Agencies, the Dental Profession, 

and Facial Fashion and Cosmetic Entities,

called the 

'Aesthetic/Beauty Quadrilateral of the Face!'"

Honing in on the Basic Anatomical Features of the Face

that contribute to Facial Recognition and Social Attractiveness,

Dr. Winge, a USC Dental School grad, simplified that

'Most Important Real Estate of the Face'

and called it

The Winge Aesthetic/Beauty Quadrilateral-Anatomical area

of the Countenance.

This facial/fashion, four-sided Euclidean polygon figure 

is best described as an inverted isosceles trapezoid, 

extending from the tops of the eyebrows to the bottom 

of the lower lip and from one side of the eyes and mouth, 

all the way to the other side. This new graph 

of the face aides in discerning its most important parts to

establish facial recognition and attractiveness.

For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.

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