Friday, September 6, 2024

I'm An Uber Driver...And...A 'Dentist' On The Side!...Part 2...


Has anybody

ever driven

for Uber?


there's Uber and Lyft, and

even some others on the

scene in different countries...

and that type

of ride sharing

won't be going away

anytime soon!

There are many reasons why

people want to drive for

Uber and others,


one guy,

Doctor Danny Dentation,

who is also a Dentist,

wants to do a

Social Experiment,

and see what kind of

People he comes across,

and if things feel right,

he'll even

offer his services

to a rider!

So, today he starts out

during a little after

Rush Hour!

"Hi there! Here I am!" says

this lady!

Thank you for the ride, Sir!"

"You're welcome, Miss,"

says Doctor



during the whole trip,

the Lady is

immersed in her own world, 

with some 

laughing and giggling,


no talking with the Driver.

So, he drops her off 

and another person 

at the same spot,

gets in to go to 

her next stop...

"Hi there, Driver...

I'm going to a

Drone Racing Competition!"

"That's nice," says the Doctor, "are you from out

of Town?"

"Yes, Toronto!" she says.

"That's a cold place, Canada, no?" asks Danny.

"Well, it's hot right now!" 

she replies, 

and then she talks on her phone

the rest of the way.

Then another lady 

needs a ride just 5 blocks down...

...then she


"Hi there, People,"


Doctor Dentation, "you two

having a nice day so far?"

"So far, so good," 

they say!... then

they do some PDA for

the rest of their trip!

Now, some



get in and play some 

Loud Music!...until...

they are gone, too!


on his next trip, the

passengers talk a 

little more...

and one of them says,

"I like your outfit!...

It's Professional!

You know, Mr. Driver,

some people in cars

can be so rude!...

...We had a couple of Drivers




another one


us names!

And the other Woman chimes in,

"I've been in an Uber where 

the Passengers started

fighting and s _ _ _!...Please excuse my French!"

And the Doctor says, 

"It's okay, but that's not a French word!"

Then the Lady fires back, "Well, 

I'm sure that 

Some People

in France say it!"

Then the next passenger

is quiet, but smells really nice!

And she asks,

"Thanks for driving me...

...would you like to come up to

my place 


"Drive Me Crazy?"

"That sounds Great...but...

I must finish my shift!" admits the Doctor.

So as she leaves, she gives him her card,

then she blows him...

a kiss!

"Hey Mister...can you 

"Effin'"step on the gas...I'm late!" says this one,

This ain't no Sunday Drive,

so you

"Betta Hurry!...and you

ain't gettin' 

no tip from me!"


she was let off quick!...

Now, this one just

'Nods Out' the

whole trip!

"Will you Marry me?," he asks her.

And she shouts,

"Yes...I will!"

"'Scuse me, Sir, I only

had a

little bit!...You're cute!"

"Whoa!," the Doctor says to himself on this next rider!...

And he gets out and opens

the door for her!

"Thank you, Sir...

...I've seen you somewhere before,

but, I can't quite

put my finger on it!" says the Lady


I am in the Health Field," admits the Doctor.

"So am I," says the Lady, "I'm a 

Maximum Potential Psychologist!...I

help Clients around the World

become the "Best That They Can Be!"

"That's interesting!" remarks Doctor Dentation.

"I do Dentistry myself," he says.

"OMG!," she exclaims, "you help

People's Smile

be the "Best That They Can Be!"...but...

why are you

driving Uber?"

"Well, I'm a People Person...sort

of like you, and 

I'm doing a 

little Social Experiment

comparing Dental Patient Attitudes to

Uber Passenger Attitudes!"

"And," she smiles, "I bet 

that you do see a

glaring difference!"

"Definitely," says Danny, "the

"Situational Power Balance" is very different in

Dentistry as opposed to driving with Uber!"

"We should compare notes sometime," she smiles, "my name

is Dr. Vitalia 

Pritznoskovina!...and you?"

"I'm Doctor Danny Dentation!" he says.

"Dentation is almost like Dentition! Ha ha!"

she laughs, "here's my card!"

Now, she's at her stop, and Danny says,

"It's been nice

servicing you, Doctor!"

Then he opens

the door to let her out.

And she says, "Let's do Dinner sometime, Doctor!"

Then, she blows him...


"Fat One!"

And as she walks away,

The Doctor just looks

and thinks, "She is "Something Else!"

And after a while,  he picks up

one more Quiet Rider, then

he calls it a day!

For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.

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