Sunday, June 9, 2013

What Your Smile Says About You.

First off, a well-aligned and well-maintained smile reveals that practicing good oral hygiene is a priority to you, along with the daily preparation of the face and rest of the body.

If you like to smile a lot, it could mean that you're basically a happy person, and see life in a positive way. It also adds to your longevity and attractiveness and can influence matters that involve the business, personal and romantic areas of your life. And when you smile, it can lighten the prevailing mood, and others may tend to smile along with you. It's an engaging and  interactive activity! Patients who have just completed esthetic dental work, and love their brand new smiles, feel more free, more confident, and empowered. They want to shine and show off their new social instruments...their grins!

There are degrees of smile , from no smile, with the lips together, to a partial smile, and then  the Duchenne smile, which is more full, spontaneous, and let-it-all-hang-out in character, and is accompanied by wrinkles on the skin below the eyes.

It's great if you have perfect smile. You're blessed!

But there are many medical and dental conditions and situations that prevent many from having great smiles. The lips should have healthy skin on them and should not be chapped, or have pimples or rashes, and should not have blemishes at the commissures. Vitamin deficiencies, especially of the B family of vitamins can evidence themselves by sores or inflammation problems on the gum and tongue surfaces, and at the corners of the mouth where the lips meet. Too much gum around the teeth (gingival hyperplasia) may have several causes. Allergic reactions can temporarily make the face and oral tissues swell up. Facial injuries that leave scars, cleft lip, Bell’s Palsy, and chronic mouth breathing, especially in kids can, can lessen facial esthetics and suboptimize the smile zone.

Piercings of the lips and tongue let others know that you have a rebellious streak, that you are following one the fads of a certain group, or that you want to use the piercings to enhance stimulation during intimate moments. A Monroe or Madonna piercing may let others know about your personal proclivities. It's a little comical that some people want to "show their individualism" by following what others do!

Chipped, missing, or crooked teeth can be repaired, replaced, or straightened, respectively.

Share your nice smile with the world to make it a happier place!

May you have many…cheerfully luminous, transparently true, bursting with hope… smiles!

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