Saturday, January 11, 2014

Sheee! Your Smile Really Is A “10” On The Winge Orality Quotient Scale!

The HSR can actually INSTANTLY AND THOROUGHLY FANTASTICATE your “what everybody likes to look at” smile!

For a long while, you have spent your hard-earned cash and dental benefits on dental treatments and maintenance. You have also devoted many hours assiduously performing effective home plaque control techniques to minimize any problems and maximize your orthodontically-great look.

So, the mirror has been your friend, because now, every time you look in it, you’re emanating a healthy, wealthy, wise, and beautiful glow-- the best that Nature can produce, and the best that Money can buy!


There are dozens of objective and subjective traits, factors, structures, and relationships within the lips and mouth, which can be diagnosed, analyzed, and recorded, to size up, evaluate, and rank on established scales of various types, including the Winge Orality Quotient.

May you have many…after poking, prodding, and sniffing around, I find that yours really is great!...don’t look now, but people are taking pictures of your “smile-o-graph” with their cell phones…your smokin’ smile’s so hot that the temperature around it is five degrees higher…smiles!

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