Saturday, May 31, 2014

Opening Glass Bottles With The Teeth And Other No-nos!

LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE WALKING ACROSS THE TREACHEROUS, OIL-SLICKED ROADS, LOOK UP TO SEE IF ANY BIG STUFF STARTS TO FALL FROM THE SKY, AND LOOK DOWN FOR ANY HUNGRY BOTTOMLESS SINK HOLES RAPIDLY GROWING IN YOUR DIRECTION, because the HSR is just itchin’ like a 550 pound bad-attitude Sumo Wrestler, to smash flat like a nano-pancake, anyone or anything that invades the personal space of your “freshly cleaned by the hygienist“ smile!

Want a flat-tire tooth in the front of your smile?

Some people do silly things, and seem to be begging to hurt their teeth, or just “crusin’ for a brusin,” as some might say.

Have a large piece of ice to bite, on a hot day?

Not so fast…

Can you say, “Cracked Tooth Syndrome?”

Dental accidents can be bad enough that, the injured tooth or teeth involved, may need to come out and be replaced with false teeth, to get back “The Look!”

All accidents cannot be prevented, but many can be, with active autocorrection of self as time passes through any potential situation.

When we don’t exercise enough care and safety, and try to circumvent common sense in our actions,  “Oops, there it is!,” might happen.

Trying to take the shell off of that walnut or brazil nut with your side teeth?

Think again…

Or how about riding that ten-speed bike on a bumpy road with your mouth close to the handle bar?

I pity the fool…

Want to fight a guy who brought eight of his best burly buddies with him?

Here, I’ll call 911 for you!...

Feel like getting out of the car to settle some “Road Rage?”

What’s that number to 1-800-DENTIST again?...

A wise man once said, “Don’t do anything that you can’t do twice!”

May you have many…remember that one cannot drink any liquid from a glass bottle that breaks on the ground…there’s something magical about the color-drenched sunsets seen from the western shores of the south of France!’ll never be burdened by accidents that you don’t let happen!…smiles! 

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