Your...Enamel's So Perfect!...
“Hi, Hollywood!...You...
add Vivid Colors to My Life!...
…Like an Artist who has just
Surprisingly Found
a whole case of
New Pantene Oil Paints!...
….go ahead!... …And…
…Color Me Up!”…
“He’s an Adventurer,
who climbs the Highest Heights,
and with a Sub,
He sees the Deep Underwater,
and with a boat,
he explores the Amazon River,
and with a canoe,
He experiences the Lives and Loves
along the Danube,
and with a Zero-emmision Glider,
He flies the skies of
Historical Europe,
with a bit of luck,
he can make it through...
the ‘Forbidden Transylvanian Forest’
and collect the
Million Dollar Prize,
while steering clear of all the
Obstacles and...Hungry Zombies!
Doctor Report is a Dentist…
…and some with New Teeth…
…Smile and They ask Him…
…”Hey, where’s the Beef?"”…
"I especially like to
'Lean' like this
during the
Vernal Equinox!"
"Doctor Report!...
To write the
Poetry that
You write,
have to have Love
in your Heart,
and Conviction...
"Doctor Report!..
Over here!...I...
...See something in the Snow!"
"I just don't make Dip
for anybody!
I have to...
really Like You!"
“The Smile
is the
‘Poetry Maker’
of the Face!"
You and Your
‘She’s so Pretty that...
...She’s just Refreshing to
look at’
Happily Dancing
'Poetry Shows The Love In Any Language'
is brought to you by
Pen and Paper
so that We can keep
'writing what
Our Hearts Feel!'
Our Hearts Feel!'
The 'Fail for The Week' has
HSR's Dog
eating a Poetry Letter that took
Him a
Long Time to Write!
So...HSR can
'Truthfully Confess'
So...HSR can
'Truthfully Confess'
that his Dog really
'Eat His Homework!'
Okay...but somebody usually
'Eats HSR's Lunch'...
...if He's not careful!
And that may happen
this Time...sooner than later!
But, today,
HSR's changing up his
Routine, and he's waiting to see if
he is accepted into
USC Dental School, and
he's passing the Time by
'Eat His Homework!'
Okay...but somebody usually
'Eats HSR's Lunch'...
...if He's not careful!
And that may happen
this Time...sooner than later!
But, today,
HSR's changing up his
Routine, and he's waiting to see if
he is accepted into
USC Dental School, and
he's passing the Time by
And he has a pretty good
and busy Spot right now because
a lot of

Hungry People, are
all around!
Some People want
their hot dogs
prepared like
and others like theirs
like this...
"Hi there, Sir,
says this Lady,
"I work in an Office
Next Door,
and we're having Lunch,
and I'm going to need
500 Hot Dogs
with a wide
variety of Toppings...like
...right now!....Is that okay?
pay for them
right now!"
And, just like that,
pays upfront!
HSR makes a call
on his Cell Phone, and
in no Time,
all of these
are picked up by the Lady
and some her Friends!.
"Whoa!," thinks HSR, "I made enough
to close up shop
right now, but
I'ma hang out
a little more!"
However, unbeknownst to him,
a person across the way is
checking Him out!
So, a bunch more people
place orders, and
one woman
'Wolfs Down'
two of them in a hurry ,
and she says,
"These are
the Best...You here tomorrow?"
"Yes, Mam," He smiles back, "I'll see you then!"
Now, another Woman comes by
and orders 5 to go and she says,
"My 'Emotional Support' Hot Dog
and I
want to Thank You,
just for being here,
to provide All of Us with
Your Options, Sir!"
So finally, after a really steady flow,
it calms down
a little!
But...right then,
a bunch of Guys come up
they order twenty dogs, no buns,
and this guy sits down to
carry out a bet that
he can
eat them all in
seven minutes and...
Now, after that,
business gets slow again,
and HSR
Day Dreams about
sailing the
Gentle Seas,
and he recalls
an Alien that
he once envisioned ( a Future Dentexa?),
and he hears the loud crowd in the stadium,
which can only mean
Bo Jackson just made a touchdown and
comes to him
out of the tunnel
for a
'Touchdown Dog!
Then...as He is
about to close up for the day,
one more woman comes up
to him,
yes, the one with the Camera...
and She asks him,
"Hi, I'm having a BBQ
this weekend, and
like to know if you can come by and
cater Your Specialty Hot Dogs!...and...
I'd like for you
to meet
My Parents!"
My, Oh, My!...
...Good Day, World!
Just look at this Morning's
...Looks like I got a
'Free Pass'
to first-handedly enjoy
this new 24 hours!
...I'll take it!!
The Beautiful Skies...

My hot Chocolate
with my newspaper
At the cafe
...is the
'Supreme Combination!'
...all of a sudden...
'Supreme Combination!'
...all of a sudden...
I'm taken
by surprise
by surprise
When You, Young Lady...
and your Friend
care-freely saunter
on by
and your Friend
care-freely saunter
on by
And I
...spill my drink!...
...spill my drink!...
there are 'Astonishing Sparkles'
in your eyes
there are 'Astonishing Sparkles'
in your eyes
And there are
pure Enamelite-White Coruscations
emanating from your Smile
pure Enamelite-White Coruscations
emanating from your Smile
...Which seem to be
calling out loudly to Me...
calling out loudly to Me...
Before I know it...
My heart
Before I know it...
My heart
starts to frantically
romantically race!...
romantically race!...
And my Body
starts to
starts to
Atomically and molecularly
catch a-fire and tingle!...
catch a-fire and tingle!...
And my brain
Shocks, scintillates, and shimmers
all of my neurons
all of my neurons
Leaving me
'Sensorily Overloaded,'
'Sensorily Overloaded,'
But ...
desperately panting...for more!
desperately panting...for more!
Now, tell me...
...Is this "Love At First Sight!"
Or just a 'Hormonal Panic Attack?'...
...I don't know which...
To diagnose my Corazonal Palpitations!
fascinating elegance
startles me...
fascinating elegance
startles me...
...almost like a surprising
Wake Up call!
you continue walking away,
on your way...
Not looking back...
you continue walking away,
on your way...
Not looking back...
I remember that day...like it was today...
Because it is today!
So, I recompose Myself
And get a change of Scenery
I then decide to
go to the museum
I then decide to
go to the museum
And I "float" there,
thinking of you!
thinking of you!
And I see some
nice paintings there
nice paintings there
Oh no!
There you are, right over there!
hanging your painting on the wall!
hanging your painting on the wall!
But right then
Your cell phone rings
Then you get up and leave.
Oh, well...
You left before you could put up
Your name by the painting...
I gaze at it for a while
And notice that you have
An exquisite talent incorporating
Color, Proportion, Perspective
And especially Impact!
I wish I knew your name
That way, I would know
Who I am
Day Dreaming about!
I gaze at it for a while
And notice that you have
An exquisite talent incorporating
Color, Proportion, Perspective
And especially Impact!
I wish I knew your name
That way, I would know
Who I am
Day Dreaming about!
I tell my self that
I need some
Fresh Air...
I tell my self that
I need some
Fresh Air...
I head on over to
the Park!...
I head on over to
the Park!...
Here you are...at the Park!
And some musicians are 'jammin' hard!'
And some people are dancing
Which gives you
all the excuse
that you need
all the excuse
that you need
To show your own
'Rhythmic Synergy'...
'Rhythmic Synergy'...
...within this moment's moment!
some guy asks You to dance,
But you just keep
curving and writhing!...
some guy asks You to dance,
But you just keep
curving and writhing!...
Blow him a Kiss
...which is more
than I ever got,
than I ever got,
Then you,
in my slow motion,
sweetly sashay away,
in my slow motion,
sweetly sashay away,
...Like you're some sort of
Eye Magnet
or something!
Eye Magnet
or something!
And just like that,
You're gone again...
Another missed opportunity...
But, if I could
talk to you now
I'd say or profess
something like
Oh, I don't know,
Maybe something like:
"You're Nature's best Reflection in the Mirror!"
"the sweetness of sugar cane
Can't come close to Yours"
"Roses are red
And Violets are blue
Only Songs made in heaven
...are worthy of you!"
That's what I'ma say!
"Your smile's whiter than the
Brightest Cumulonimbus clouds
And more wispy than the
Highest altitude cirrus groups!"
Looking almost like, 'Smiles On The Run!'"
Well, I think I'll
just go and
Sit by the Dock of the Bay...
And watch the Time roll away...
And the place looks nice, as usual,
...But wait!
You're leaving on a Cruiser...
with some People!
for how long?
Now, I guess that
I won't be
bumping into you
Everywhere I go...
But, now,
I'm used to seeing you
And your Pretty Profile
And your
'Reactionary Artwork'
talk to you now
I'd say or profess
something like
Oh, I don't know,
Maybe something like:
"You're Nature's best Reflection in the Mirror!"
"the sweetness of sugar cane
Can't come close to Yours"
"Roses are red
And Violets are blue
Only Songs made in heaven
That's what I'ma say!
"Your smile's whiter than the
Brightest Cumulonimbus clouds
Highest altitude cirrus groups!"
Well, I think I'll
just go and
Sit by the Dock of the Bay...
And watch the Time roll away...
And the place looks nice, as usual,
You're leaving on a Cruiser...
for how long?
Now, I guess that
I won't be
bumping into you
Everywhere I go...
But, now,
I'm used to seeing you
And your
'Reactionary Artwork'
And your
'Indescribable Self!'...
"Roses are red
Ranunculus, too
Petals in the Wind
Sway with Dew!...
I'd love to
into the Vast Essence
of Your Eyes!
I'll gladly sign up and volunteer
And even give
If I have to!
I guess
I'll have to wait until
I see you again...
"Roses are red
Ranunculus, too
Petals in the Wind
Sway with Dew!...
I'd love to
into the Vast Essence
of Your Eyes!
I'll gladly sign up and volunteer
And even give
I guess
I'll have to wait until
I see you again...
If I ever do...
No, I don't want to think like that!
Well, anyway...
No, I don't want to think like that!
Well, anyway...
Deep in my memories,
You'll always be
You'll always be
"Royalty-With-Edge" to me!
Okay...so about
three Months later,
I'm into
my Own Groove again, and
I'm going out
to the track
to workout a little and...
I see You again!...
Yes, You...the one with
the Beautiful Smile!...
I'm...so Happy...Again!
...You're back!...
But wait!...
it seems like you're
finished at the track,
you Take Off
leave through the Exits!
...Oh well!...
So, the next day,
I am given a ticket
to the Football game
in town,
so I pack a couple
of snacks and have a
great Time there...Oh no!...
...I mean...Oh yes!...
You're on the
Giant Screen Cam!...
You are on the other side
of the Stadium!...
And this Place is
Too Crowded!...
Well...maybe Next Time!...
...If there is a Next Time!...
You know...I think that
I might try a
New Tact!...I'll learn how to
Ride a Motorcycle, and maybe
I'll offer her a
ride and
she can
'Hug Me Tight' for
the Whole Ride!...Just a Thought!
Now...maybe a week later,
I'm just attending
a meeting at
a Hotel near
the Airport...
during a break,
out of the
side of My Eye...
I see Her...or I really think
that it is Her, but she
quickly gets into a
shuttle and
makes it to the
"Welp," I say to Myself,
"There She Goes Again!"
May you have many...
..."O Holly wood, Hollywood,
...wherefore art thou, Hollywood?
...Where the Sun
does not 'shineth,'
...your Smile...it Lights the Way!
And in matters of the Heart
My Love Sways Your Way!"...
..."Let's see:
...Roses are Red,
Peonies are Pink,
...We are what We Do,
We are what We Think!"...
...“Can You
say those
‘Three Words’ that
Always ‘Make My Day?’”...
..."Doctor Report!...

...I'm going to write you
'Emotional Poetry!'
I'm going to
abundantly use
...and Similis...
and 'Time and Spatial Shifting'
so that

Your Head Will Spin!"...
Hollywood always
writes the
Sweetest Poetry!
And when He gets
'Carried Away,'
...it can be Pages long!
It sort of makes Me
want to...
...Carry Him Away!"
"Thank You, Mommy Parent!..
...I'm picking up

My First Baby Tooth!"
"So, Hollywood...Do You Need To Get There Fast?...

...Cause I Can 'Floor It!'"
Meanwhile...Back At The Place Where It's Okay To Be A Stranger That's...

....'Down To Brush!"...
Dental Hygiene Wars!
"Hey!...Watch Out!...
...Don't Worry!...
...I Got 'Um!...
"Many of My Sister's have
'Paid The Price,'
so that
I could make it
this Far!"
"Let Me
introduce Myself,
I am the 'King'
of this Part of the Mouth!...

...You're Not Welcome!"
"I will bring back that
Bacterium's Head...
...On a Platter!"
I can Play
'Sword Tennis' all Day!"
“My Yoga, Tai Chi, Ballet, Meditation, and Body Sculpting
training are…
…making Me...
...reach My ‘Apex Form!’”
…I laid down My Scaler and Root Planer!...
…You wanna Negotiate?”
It works Like a Boomerang!...
…It doesn’t Cut Me!”
“What’s this?...
...More Attacking Hygienists?...
…I must go and Warn the Others!”
“Daffy !...
...You’re back….Come Here!...
…You Big Brute!”
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