“ _ _ _ _ !...
...I Gotta…Keep Runnin’!...
...I Can’t Let…Those Humans...Capture Me!...They’ll Be...
Poking And Prodding...All Around...
...Me And My...
...Big Tooth!”…
"I must say...
that 'Big Tooth'
is sort of
...I wish him luck ,
...and in Many Ways...
...he holds the Future Promise
for his Species!"
just keep
rolling in!
The Phenomenon known as
Big Tooth,
has many physical similarities
to 'Big Foot.'
the most significant,
phenotypical difference that's observable is,
...instead of two regular front teeth...
...one huge upper middle tooth
...and this
composite sketch
...was made
by a person who
was just inches away,
but was not detected!
the same person
swears that there was no
plaque or food
between the front teeth
at that time...
...it is just...one colossal tooth!
this large and furry creature,
with its trademark dentition,
just may
have left some
Physical and DNA evidence
behind--that's still being searched for--
and that
Forensic Specialists and Geneticists
can use
to delve deeper into
the Mysteries of this
'Elusive Species.'
Big Tooth
has been classified by
Zoologists at Point Loma
homo megadonticus,
a competing department at
has coined the name
homo macrodonticus,
and now,
the two different
Scientific University Groups
are almost
'coming to Academic Blows'
over which School
is the Preeminent Source
on the Big Tooth Species Issue!
"Virtually all
of the people
who claim to have seen Big Tooth
say that
it reminds them of a
'tall, muscular, and
furry' man,
that it did not attack
any people that
saw it,"
says an Angeles National Park Ranger,
on the condition that
he remains anonymous.
The Authorities
are aware that
a growing segment
of the local population
is starting to actually like
Big Tooth and what 'It' symbolizes.
"We all like
'bigger than life'
'The Rock and such!'"...
One San Bernardino Park Officer
confirms that a gofundme page
has been set up, "I think people feel that
Big Tooth represents
the Free Spirit
in all of us...
...and that he is unencumbered
by all of the trappings
and complications
and headaches
of the civilized
that we all face! "
"And he always lives
in a peaceful, natural,
kind of place!"
One hiker
swears that
Big Tooth knows 'some English,'
and may actually
like humans,
when she was lost and shouted,
"I have to get out of here to my car!"...
she says that,
"it smiled at me,
then grunted,
"Over there!""
And one young lad,
who has taken a liking to Big Tooth,
saw this picture
and this one
and now,
he's telling his parents that
he's having
nightmares about it!"
It has been surmised that
Big Tooth has been around here
at least twenty years,
with a very recent
infrared camera sighting
and a cell phone photo taken
by a person who
sat very still,
people now want to see Big Tooth
up close and personal!
And a man wants to know if his "Big Sister"
can become "Big Tooth's" friend!
And it's a big but!
...a word of caution...
...to see if the animal is indeed a Big Tooth,
one will need to
sneak up on it
and lift up
its lip, like
this...and check things!
...Good Luck!
Or maybe just
...tickle Big Tooth!
Or just try to
catch Big Tooth
up close in a happy mood
with a camera!...
...like here in this photo...
...but it's not that clear!
there is one person,
a Dentist, no less, who's
been trying to track
Big Tooth for years and,
he says that Big Tooth comes out
of the dense forest
like this
...very infrequently...
"But I have documented him
here and there catching some...
...Sun Rays!"
"I've also seen him
hunt and catch
Wild Game!"
"And he even has competitor
Big Foots or
Big Tooths...but
I couldn't get close enough
to see which
...is which!
I did catch,
on tape,
a skirmish between
Big Tooth and
two others, which just
may have been an
ambush or
a territorial dispute!
Well, anyway,
I think Big Tooth
got the best of them
in the scuffle,
one high-tailed it out of there
one way
and the second one ran
other way...into the swamp!...
...Most likely after being
"teeth crunched" by Big Tooth!
"Now, I'm also studying Big Tooth's
Social Interactions,
I think
he has some
new female admirers!"
I have seen them
argue and fight with his
ongoing female friend, and
those confrontations
haven't been pretty!...
...I did,
see Big Tooth and his Female Friend
"in the Prolonged Act!""
"Now, Sir,
we get a lot of Visitors
out here looking for
Big Tooth.
we get a lot of Visitors
out here looking for
Big Tooth.
And one woman,
who calls herself, Big Tooth's
'First Groupie,'
who calls herself, Big Tooth's
'First Groupie,'
buys him little Toys and
Food and Stuff!
I want to see if Big Tooth
can control
and use
other animals in the Wild!...
...Personally, Sir, I like Big Tooth!
Not only is he good
for Tourism here,
it's also good for
My Office Patients!
I have a big picture
of him in My
waiting room,
that people always Instagram!
if I ever bump into
Big Tooth...you know...close and
face to face...
I'll just
slowly gesture to
shake his hand!
I have
much Respect for him,
you know,
trying to survive
out here in the Wild!
most important message
to Big Tooth is,
no matter what,
You, my friend...
will always

have the
Now...it seems like the Media
has started some People
wanting to go to
Angeles National Forest
see and
maybe even
make friends with

Big Tooth!...
"I'm going to use my
Feminine Charm
for Us to be a
Beauty and the Beast Couple!"
"I think...according to
these tracks, He's
"Big Tooth!...
Big Tooth!..."
She calls,
..."Come out, Come Out, Where ever You Are!"
Flash News!...
...It has just been reported
Big Tooth
was spotted crossing a Road,
which surprised a
car driver,
who then swerved off
of the road, but
No One was Hurt!
"Hey, Big Tooth!...
...My Man!...
...Be Safe Out There!"
..."I'm hiding in hopes
of seeing
...just be Straight Forward?"...
...Be Safe Out There!"
..."I'm hiding in hopes
of seeing
Big Tooth for Myself!
But when I do see Him,
what will I ever Do?...
Should I just sit down
'Bat My Eyes' and
...just be Straight Forward?"...
For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.
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