Wanna be yourself ?
wanna be somebody else?...
I just got my new flying broom!...
The iBroom!
It has enhanced speeds and
can turn a corner on a dime!

and it's...
wickedly comfortable because

it softly accommodates and supports my every curve!"
"Oh, Hollywood!...
Pumpkins for me?

Why thank you, very much, My Dear!

...and just for that...
I'm going to

with more...
"Hey, girls!
The last time I stood in front of HSR...this close...

he surprised me with a
three-minute "Czechoslovakian Kiss!"
Welcome Reader!
I am
going to be your "Friendly Neighborhood Narrator" for this Episode,
and please...
if you want to see me again, just
scroll back up--and I'm all yours!
So, let's start any comments about HSR...
...to let us know how you feel about him"...
"Hi there, Narrator...
I have this nervous thing that I do with my hands,
and Hollywood has been helping me all he can with it,
and I just want to say that,
I would love for him to help me some more!..."
Thank you, Miss Narrator!...
Dr. Report,
a long time ago, I asked for you to hypnotize me,
you forgot to "snap me out of it!"
so for all of these years--these wonderful years--
I have been under your strong and unfiltered influence and,
I never want to be "snapped out of it!"
"Excuse me...Mr. 'wood, your hot chocolate is
ready now!"...
Hi, Miss Narrator!...
And HSR...
and Dr. Winge...
as your Secretary and Scheduler-In-Chief, your
sea-side accommodations
have been reserved,
and will be ready for you immediately after this Episode...
and I will personally attend to your every need...
...personally...as you --personally--requested!
Hi, Reader...HSR should be
arriving any moment now...
And the Friendly Neighborhood Narrator says, " anyone else for HSR?"
"Hello!...I just want to say that,
if HSR keeps up what he's doing,
I'm going to have to
declare him the "Eighth Wonder Of The World!"
"Thank all of you ladies today...
and moving right long...
Today's Blog Post can only be seen by tuning in with
The Monks!...
who are revving up their meditative powers and
will telepathically render appropriate images on this here
outdoor Monastery Big Screen!"
"Hey, guys...I
have an old movie
projector, if you need one!"
Now, HSR, who is still trying to master the
and skates
along with his dog
is still trying to convince you and your
"I take my breathing for granted sometimes...because it's always working...Thank You!"
smile that he's up to any challenge...
"I believe that HSR's up to any challenge, too,
HSR always, in a big way, comes through for me!...
"Well, I'm glad HSR comes through for you," says
the Friendly Neighborhood Narrator, "the world is better because
he's just that kind of rare guy!"
"Oh, and did I tell you that we are now having
Our "First Annual
Hollywood Smiles Report Halloween
right now!...
Come on in!"
"OMG!...I'm dressed... and I'm
"ret" to go!"
I'm on my way there, too!
I want to meet a woman who will accept me for what I am
but if she wants this Dentist Doctor Report guy
to straighten out my smile...
then I'll do it!
"Watch out, slow broomers!
Outta my way!"
And a lot of folk just "hoof it"
on over!
On the way over, Jinella says to herself, "when I see HSR...I'ma...
"Dress Him Up In My Love!"
I'ma hitch me
a ride over to the Party!
"Hey, Eleanor...this looks like
the spot!"
"It sure is ladies...just
go on in!"
"Mom, we wanna go, too!"..."No,
you're not!"
And some people are having fun while standing
"Hey, Osseous!...
I'm puttin' dis
up on Facebook!"
OMG!...what a
front scene!...
and a
side scene!
"Hey, Freaks! Keep
offa my lawn!"
"I'm making a concoction that I know everyone
will just love!
This one
witch here
sure has
Pretty Teeth!
And a lot of people are getting ready...in a flurry...with last-minute
And now...
Freaks and Freakases!
the moment we've all been waiting for...
Hollywood's walking in the House...
...right now!...
And here's his
Chief Body Guard!
And the crowd goes crazy!
with energy!
"Hi, Hollywood!
And the DJ's
right on!
"Dem Bones
is groovin'!"
And a woman is counting the take, but
this Party's supposed to be...free!
Now, this Lady comes up to HSR,
and says,
"Hollywood, see!
"We did it!...
This Party is "Grindin'!"
Now, the DJ's are banging a high-powered
Tribal Mix!
...This right here is
I'm staring at her!...
Oh boy...
Yikes! A nurse for the
for the "Hemoglobin-Impaired!"
I don't think that anyone
wants to
stop this guy from entering!
Some ghosts are out
on the side of the place...
Now, people are talking and
Robot!...Get it!...
Look at that old-school video
playing on the big screen!
Okay!... a
onesome...and a
"Hi, Hollywood...
I love your party!...
however, some creatures are over there... just
hogging all the brew!
There's Titrika
Feeling It!
Hey you guys!....
check out
what I can do!
"Hollywood, Honey!...
...and all of you...
gimme a big
Pumpkin Grin and show those missing teeth!"
OMG!... Some role playing...
in the corner!
Now, every Party has its own little drama,
and here, a witch catches her partner looking too much at
woman, and she flies over and makes a scene
and tells her partner, "You betta leave her alone!"
But, then, people pay it not much mind
and get...
back to dancin'!
Oh, yeah...that's sweet, girl!...I want a
bite like that!
"Hollywood, may I
have this next dance?"
"Hi!... I'm from the
Roaring '20s"
Shake it baby,
shake it!
like for you to
meet my friend,
and we are talking about
how you have a nice neck!"
Yes, some of the people are dressed
way out!"
I knew it!...
In a very dark section of the party,
a "Wom-Vamp
sets this
guy up
then goes in for the
"you know what!"
all of the "bite-ees" love and want the "bite-er"
to "tear into them!"
"I'm on the other side of the world, but,
I wish I could be at HSR's Party!"
Don't give up the right
to Party!
"Hey, girl!...
Hollywood's coming this way now...let's
get him!"
A very appealing aspect of Halloween is that
people are given a license to express some parts of themselves
that they usually can't or don't want to express all year...
...and that means that this person
can really turn out to be
So the Party goes on, and on,
and people wish that it would never end
but the Sun does rise again...
...so Vampires...watch out!
Oh, and some "Cutie Pie" entrepreneurs are trying to
move the last Pumpkins off the shelves!
So, okay y'all...
...all of you lovers of the Spooky Stuff!...
...come back for "Goblins," I mean, gobs more...
Next Year!
"It is kinda true but morbid thought that
we all will eventually have more time dead,
Hi everyone!...
I'm a Dentist, and I brought this really cool looking,
big old Dental Office Building
and I feel that I got the "Deal Of A Lifetime!"
The price for the property was so tempting...
that I bought it sight unseen,
thinking that it has lots of great potential!
So, I take off some time to go there,
but I could only swing by for a visit...
at night!
But...what's to fear?
I'm just looking!
Now, I exit my car and walk
toward the place...
which has some "mysterious curb appeal!"
So, I get to the front gate, and it
opens for me!
"But, wait!" I ask myself, "is someone here expecting me?
So, not at all scared, I stride along the walkway to the front door,
and to the side I see
"I mean...Crow!"
"That was close!"
And the other way shows
...more crows, and a,
a some kinda Moonrise!
Now, I get up to the front door
and I finally get it open
after some
strong effort!...
Now, once inside...
the Main Foyer is something else!
and looking to the side...
I open a door
What's this!
a "Book
Lover's Dream!"
And there's even a side
On the desk...someone speaks!
"Hi there, Sir," says the person in the crystal ball...
"I know that you're the new owner...
and I want to properly introduce my self!
I'm Stella Mysteria...
And all of us here want to peacefully coexist with you!"
Now the Dentist says, "Who do you mean by "all of us?""
Stella continues, "We are a whole community here...
This place used to be a Dental and a Medical office,
and a Coroners office and a Mortuary...
and I can go on and on...
They didn't tell you that? she adds...
"Not in the slightest!," the Dentist shoots back...
"Well, I can tell," says Stella, "that we're going to get to know
each other very well...starting tonight!"
goes some
outside lightening and thunder---as if on cue!"
Stella now smiles and says, "Please joins us in the foyer!"
So, I go back to the foyer...
and I see some
apparitions dancing around!...
"Good Night, Young Man!
I want to welcome you, the New Owner,
to your new
our old
"Whuu Whoo!" says the guy swinging on
the chandelier!...
...as some others still dance on.
"Oh," says the guy at the head of the table,
"It's Pluto's birthday today!"
"Happy Birthday, Pluto," says the Dentist...
Thanks, Mister Dentist Man, Sir... but I don't want to
blow them out yet...I want to just see the fires burn!" admits Pluto...
"Well, you are free to join us at our sit down...
you might be here for a while... you know...
looking around" says the guy to the Dentist...
"And then I'll leave!" says the Dentist, as he looks at the door...
"That's what you think!" laughs this lady
by the plants!
"Ha Ha Haaa!" laughs this ghost coming
"Well, Doctor," says the head guy, "you're free
to go!"
And they all start laughing at the Dentist!
"You can go if you can
make it out!" say this guy...
Then, The Dentist, remembers this movie where this happened
So, without saying a word,
the Dentist starts to run, down any hall way!
And he escapes past
this creature!
And a picture flies off
a wall at him...
I gotta jam before they get me!" cries out the Dentist!
So, he runs down this hall way
then this
"Oh no!"
Now the Dentist passes something!
"_ _ _ _ !"
Suddenly, a woman tries to talk to the Dentist
as he jumps out a window!
"OMG! There's an open gate!
I'm outta here!"
with his first step past the gate...
It starts!...
The Wind!...
the clouds!...
and the lights
And now,
down pouring rains!...
The rain is burning my skin!
I've got to go back inside...
But, I'll hide in a different area!"
So, the dentist reluctantly goes back in...
to escape the searing rain!...
there's a noise behind him!
The Dentist turns around and,
"Oh No!"
"Here comes trouble!
And on the other side is a
friend of hers?!"
Now the Dentist sees a possible place to get away!
And he runs inside and secures the
door "Six Ways to Sunday!"
Now, it's quiet!...almost
too quiet!
So he tip toes past a room and sees
When is this _ _ _ _
gonna stop!"
Whoa! Another room he passes
has a woman...
that I need to get away from!
Keep fast-walking, and
please stay away from the grabbing hands
Now, I go down this hall!
and I feel like opening this door, but I
change my mind a little!
because I don't want it to be this kind of door!
something is now coming at me
from down the hall!
Now, I have to run into the room
and slam the door!
"Hello, Doctor Dentist!, says this
scary doll.
And this doll says, "Yes, Hello there, Sir!
It's so good to see you!...Agnes and Montella," he says,
Let's give our new guest...
..."The Treatment!"
Now, determined more than ever to escape out of here,
the Dentist "burns rubber" out of the room and then
after a while...
the hallway is quiet,
so, the Dentist sees some stairs
to go down
to be on the safe side,
he walks down the stairs backwards
to see if anything's coming down the hall behind him
you should tell the Dentist that
he should be looking
Doctor!...Thank you for buying the Dental Practice and Building--as spooky and haunted
as it may be--
however--we residents here, are going to keep on having fun!--
May you have many...
This seasonal change always feels and smells so nice...
with the leaves detaching from the trees and flying about,
and the unpredictable ways that they travel,
and all of this
reminds me of
the way that we continually fall for each other!...

and I miss him so much already!...
As a witch, with training
from the best in the profession
it still seems that whenever I want to do some magic on him
I'm the one who is put under a spell!...
"Dr. Hollywood Smiles Report...that is your name, right?
...because your reputation precedes you,
we can "Waltz the Night Away" or
do you have any other suggestions?...
Dr. Hollywood!

I just need you know that...horizontally...

You're Number One!...
"Well, my Little

Sweetie pies!...it's

time to come in!"
"A lot of people can't wait till

this same time next year

but I don't want to fast forward...
I want to keep

feeling "The Continuum Of The Now!""
Uhh...last thing...
I command you to share
with your Facebook friends
this HSR Virus
so it will go viral!...
And if you do...
promise not to leave marks!!
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