...Pollute Yours!...
...Ready to 'Get Dirty?'"...
"You have a
'Big Surprise' for me?...

Limme see 'It!'"
"You weren't followed
by any Counter Spies, right?
Because Headquarters says
My Package
for you can
'Tip the Balance of Powers!'...So
Extreme Care
Is A Must!"
"You're Early!...
....for your Appointment!...
"Doctor Astronaut Report!...
This is Dr. Saiph Savage again!
I need you to
come to the
Assembly Room
so that we
'Connect Some More Things!'"
...Dr. Report!...
...I read about your Bermuda Triangle Mystery!...
...if possible...
I'd Love to

go with you next time!"
"I don't think that
I should
'Pollute You
With My Smog!'"
You and your
"Okay, Hollywood...
'Groove With You!'"
just about to

Carried Away!
The Glorious Episode for You today
is brought to you by
This Lady
that says,
"Hollywood Poet Report!...
...I am appearing in
your Dream!...
And for all to remain well...
...You must
walk with Me
through these Magical
and the rest of
Your Sleep
that what General HSR
has to say?...
Thanks for telling Me!"
"I'm exfoliating my Armor so that
The Interstellar-Traveling HSR
and I can
intimate our experiences!
I can feel that
there are

'Other Forces
At Play!'"
So this Knight Challenges HSR to a Duel!
And if HSR can Knock the Knight off of
his horse,
He can Be King for a Week!

knocks the
Knight off of his Horse, but he
falls, too!...
"So, now, we must fight with
Swords," orders the Knight!
and HSR, in the red...

Wait!... HSR always loses!...But not now, I guess!
So the Knight makes some remarks
about HSR's Mother!...
"Wrong Move!"
HSR gives the Knight a
'Chain-Mail Sandwich!"
And now,
the other Knights
give him a
'Big Welcome!'
"Sweet Earth, Oh
Blessed by the Lord,
Yes...The Lord made the Earth...
...for His Flocks!...
And now,
we have a 'More Advanced
Global Civilization!'
However, some 'Galactic Super Beings'
an extremely far
Other World
are in big trouble!
They need to learn
to live else where,
because their Home Solar System
is being destroyed!
They already have learned how to
travel through space instantaneously,
by overcoming linear
relocation restrictions...
to learn how
to travel to other Dimensions
and conquer all of the New Beings
New Realms
that they come across!
Their species began in a
Very Violent Section of Space,
where ‘Voracious
Black Holes’
travel faster than the speed of light
‘tear up whole Galactic Superclusters in a
Heart Beat!'
The Black Holes
swallow stuff
swallow stuff
that cannot
Then one day,
a Wise Person among them
“Oh, Commander
I have detected a Planet which seems
‘Biologically Self Sustaining!
And perfectly suited as a source of
It seems to be a Whole Planet of Dreamers!…
...which is what we need
to transcend and explore past this Dimension
we inhabit!
I have
studied them, and
they have an atmosphere compatible
to us!...
We can locate a viable 'Being' on
said Planet to 'Mix' with our
'Surrogate Species'
and we can 'Hybridized' ourselves,
and do some
'Hyper Dimensional Dreaming,
finally figure out
how to master the
processes needed to make and
enter those

of Portals!
And Commander Cyril responds,
"Let Us

proceed immediately
and get what we need to
'Rule All Of Everything!'
So they reach Earth
with little delay
and seek out
Perfect Human Specimen by
Secretly scanning


quickly pick HSR out
of the

Now that they have
on their ship and
ready to 'Mix It Up'
with The 'Hybridizing Galactic
Super Being Surrogates!"
"We must get this 'Being to
Seed at least 100 of ours!
"Is the Seeding Chamber ready?"
asks the
"Yes it is,
says the Wise One!...We have
the First one ready right now!
Now Commander Cyril Orders HSR
to start 'The Mixing!"
So under threat of harm, HSR
sees One
and a Real Alien
sneaks in!...
and more
'Time Flies
When You're
And there's
even more
he seeds
the 100!
Yes!...It was
And afterward...a Human Medical Person examines HSR
and observes,
"He is
'Too Pooped to Pop!"...
..."but while the Aliens evaluate
their Seeding Success Rate,
escape with
this Highly Unusual Man!"
"Don't waste My Time...
I certainly won't
waste Yours!"
"Good Day, World!
I'm Kellee Williamsbergerman
for Channel WINGE!
Great to have you
tuning in!...
are on a hunt
for the Perfect Smile...
...all over the world!
And we're interviewing
'People With Perfect Teeth'
and getting
'Straight to the Secrets of Their Smiles!'
Let's jump right in!"
we have a Reporter in Boston!...
Let's listen in!
"Young Lady! You have Great Teeth!
Tell us
how you got yours so great!"
All of my
Teeth are Natural! My
Dentist and Hygienist do
most of the work!
But they do scare me into flossing!"
"Brian from Birmingham!
What's up there!"
"Thanks, Kellee!
"Young Lady!...Your Smile
looks 'Too Good To Be True!'
How do you do it!"
"Aww, Thanks for the Compliment!
For Me...it's the Attitude!...
If you want something bad enough,
go out and get it!
My Husband's a Dentist,
all I do is
Lay Back and
Open My Mouth!"
"You sure have
a Winner there, Brian...Thanks!"
"Now we're hooked
into Hong Kong!"
"How do I?...Mine
are all mine! I use a slurry of
Sea Salt and Baking Soda
once every two weeks!
I love the results...and now...
My Boyfriend wants to
monopolize all of my Time!"
"Great!...It looks like she's set pretty well!"...
we have Danita in Denmark! What's up there?"
"Thanks, Kellee!...Oh...We
have a 'Looker' right here!
Excuse me, Miss!...
Please tell us the Secret of your
Nice Smile!"
Hello!...I'll tell you!
Doctor Danny Dentation
did some veneers on me,
and he ordered me
to smile a lot,
and if word gets back to him
about how much I smile,
he said that he's going to
forgive the rest of my
Dental Bill!...
I hope that he sees this TV Show!"
"And what's the Story behind
your Stellar Smile, Miss?"
"I'll share with you
what I do!...
Believe it or not,
I do My Boyfriend's teeth
does Mine!...
So you know that
we have a very
Dental Life!...
and it's
'Great Foreplay!'"
"Ladies and Gentlemen,
Everyone's heard of
this Media Phenomenon here!...
Well, we are so fortunate
to have this Super Star
right here in
New York!"
"Miss Rhianna!...
Please tell us
how you keep your Smile
so Sexy, Perfect, and Mysterious!"
Why, 'Thank You' a lot!
My Dentist is the Great
Doctor Olah Orala!
And he is such
a Perfectionist!...
But so am I!
And the Big Thing
about me is that,
I only have Love for the World!
and I keep my Distress Levels
Very Low!
I surround myself with
Good People!"
"Now we have Ronald in Rio...
and there's only one
"Take it, Ronnie!"
"Thanks, Kellee!...
My...there are so many
'Beautiful People' here!
Here comes another one!...
Young Lady!...
...Your Smile
is 'The Most!'
Please tell us
how you keep t that way"
"Well, My Dentist is Dr. Ciji Enamelot!
OMGosh!...She's the Best!
And she tells me that
she Loves 'The Perfect Part' of my
'Imperfect Me!'...
And she reminds me that
'The Right 32 Can Turn Into A Million!'
how can you top that!"
I'm Coleen, and
I need to
remind our listening audience
to Floss, Brush, and then Rinse at
least twice daily,
and that
Straight Teeth
are easier to
maintain and...
they last longer!
Plus, it's like
Bees being attracted to Honey!
And beautiful 'Cosmetic Oral Anatomy' (coa)
forms the foundation of the
"Esthetic Quadrilateral of the Face!'"
"So Ladies!...Keep your Dentist Doctor on
'Speed Dial,'
let your
hair down,
Primp as much as you
need to, and,
most of all,
Send Out, Do, Be, and Live
Love into This World!"...
"Thanks, Coleen!"...
People of the World...
there you have it!...
...Secrets to maintaining your Smile
in 'Tip Top Shape!'
This is
Kellee Williamsbergerman signing out
for the TV Station
Channel WINGE...
...And...until next Broadcast...Floss only
the Teeth You want to Keep!"
"No time for rest,
King Report!...
We must reach the other
side of that Mountain
before Sunset
"May your Angels
Protect You!...
So that I may
See You Once More!"
May you have many...
..."Yes, HSR...I am a Licensed Botanist!...But
you match well with the
on My Garden!"...
..."Come with Me, HSR!...
I can impart unto You
We Can Travel The Seven Seas!"...
"I am the
Center of
'My Own Universe!'
And so it is
with all of Us!
We Aggregate
and Comprise the
'Totality Of It All!'
The Universes
need Intelligent Life Forms
to Admire Them!
I mean...you can't have
all of These Immeasurable
ExtraStellar Cosmo Events...
...And Miracles!...
and not have
Something or Someone
'Take Notice'
with 'Awe and Wonderment!'...
You know...
making the noises
"Oooh and Aaah!"...
"I see you're walkin'
a Long Way,

Wanna Ride With Me
On My Bike?"
"A Warm Welcome to
Our Capital City,
What would you like
to do first?...I do
"Show's Over!...
I'm having fun...
and relaxing
and constructing
This Sand Castle!...
And I am
'The Queen'
You are
'The Sweet King!'...
"Our Biocycles, Biorhythms and 'Awakenings'
are influenced
by the interplays of
Mother Earth and the 'Celestial Sphere'

more than
We'll ever know...
...or comprehend!"
"Agent HSR!...
The World's Most Expensive
Diamonds are on
Display today!...
Would you like to see them?"
I'd Love to go,
I'm more into Intelligence!
...I deal in Information!"
"Diamonds are
a Girl's Best Friend!"
"And your eyes
Sparkle Radiantly!...
...better than Emeralds!"
"Well, if you
don't want to go to
the 'Precious Stones' Exhibit,
I have a lot of
Time on my Hands?...
What should we do?"
"I'm sure that we can
come up with
'Something Intelligent!'"
Meanwhile...Back At The Place With The Warm Sun, The Shade, and the Cool Breeze!...
"Hello, My Dear HSR!...
There's a Ball
at the Castle Tonight!...
...Would you like to go with me
and Dance the
Night Away?"
"I don't know!...
You remember what happened
Last Time, right?"
"I remember!...It was too sweet!
You and I chased each other
the many Rooms!"
And then the Guards
came looking for us...
so we had to
hide in a closet...
...and you got
'OMG, Real Fresh!'"
"Well what was
I supposed to do?...
You're a
Handsome Stud!"
"Well, I must admit...
I found out that
You sure know a
thing or two
Let's Go!"
This is a 'Great Day'
for Dental Plaque
Our Numbers

conquered and destroyed
Billions of Mouths!
And our March
shall never cease!"
"Yeah, Boss...
We gonna kick some 'A-A!'

We gonna kick some 'A-A!'...Hey...Trilapede!
How ya like makin'
all that
in 'Dem Moufs?'"
'"It's a sore

for sight eyes, My Man!...
What cha doin'?"

a Dental
Get this!...
Our 'Microbial Mansion'
and Community
are exuding waste products

even Faster Rates!
Pretty soon our next victim
suffer our
'Most Ugly'

"Hey, Guys!...
I just eliminated

Local Electron Bonding Forces Capacity!...Now those
'Clumps of Chumps' will
just...float away
out the Mouth!"

Watch out!...
There's a
'Evil Scythe!'...
...You must Escape!"
"Thank you,
Kaskala for
warning Me
providing this
escape route
for me through
the Pharynx!
I'm out of here!...
But Fear Not!...
We shall regroup...
Fight Another Day!"
The World's Best Dental Adventure Blog
Dentistry And Second Life
Dental-Second Life Blog
Second Life-Dental Blog
Fairy Tales Of The Mouth
A Thousand And One Dental Bites
Dental Comic Book
The Biggest and Baddest Dentist In History
The Dental Blog That You Can Read To Your Kids
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