Friday, February 14, 2025

"Hey!... Wait A Sec!...Dang Nearly All Of ...The Biggest..The Baddest...And The Best...Ballerinas... Who Have...Facial Winge's Peaks...Just Happen To Be...Phenomenal Africans!


Ballet is an art form like 

no other!

The following 'Absolutely Adorable Ballet Danseuses'

all have the facial feature, elatus labialis wingeulus, on their mid-upper lips

which means that they possess the 'Super-Humanity Power Genetics Trait,'

which is also 'Nature's Mark of the Blessed!'

This phenotype is also the 'Most Active and Mysterious' part of the face!

Behold these 'Shining Exemplars':

Michaela DePrince

Aesha Ash

Alicia Graf Mack

Erica Lall

Precious Adams

Jasmine Perry

Francesca Hayward

Katlyn Addison

Ebony Williams

Awa Joannis

Alexandra Terry

Alison Stroming

Janet Collins

Isabela Coracy

Judith Jamison

Adji Cissoko 

Cira Robinson

Nardia Boodoo

Karen Brown

Kitty Phetla

Daphne Lee

Jacqueline Green

Linda-Denise Fisher-Harrell

Raven Wilkinson

Misty Copeland

India Bradley

Elatus labialis wingeulus, a genetically-dominant physical trait, is an 'appendage' 

over and of the upper lip's middle tubercle frontal surface, and is a naturally-

occurring, variably-manifested, vertically-oriented, differentiated soft tissue, 

epithelial-emanating fold or ridge or line or prominence, or otherwise, with 

subepithelial components (Winge's Peak Connective Tissue Complex, which 

includes the Hybrid Jaimalah Fibers), which coincides with the midline of 

the face and the interincisal and mid-sagittal lines, and runs down the middle 

of the middle tubercle surface of the rostral upper lip, which may extend 

inferiorly from the middle of the Vermillion Border's Cupid's Bow, 

down to the lower edge of the lip, with or without significant elevation 

above the surrounding lateral labial tissues, with or without the presence of 

differentiated vermillion surface epithelium (Winge Epithelium) seen along 

the linear crest of the Peak, with or without a change in hue from the 

prevailing local epithelial coloration, and with or without the presence 

of an inferiorly-positioned procheilon.

"All humans that have evidence of an elatus labialis wingeulus 

on their upper lips 


considered to have 'Potentiated Functional Capacities to 'be, think and act,''

and are said

to be 

direct descendants of the prehistoric humanoid species homo 


This very well may be the first time that a prehistoric humanoid species is 

being proposed on an interesting soft tissue representation alone.

Additional Resources:

Winge's Peaks Of...The Biggest...And Baddest... Rappers!...

Ralph Winge, D.D.S., USC Dental School Graduate,

and elucidator of 

elatus labialis wingeulus.

For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.

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