See the mid-upper-lip midline mark, elatus labialis wingeulus,
which is an anatomical sign of the presence of a predominant
genetic, Power-imparting Super Trait, and which is
'Nature's Mark of the Blessed,' on these Revolution-Inspiring
Historical Figures who play, and who have played,
significant parts in the development of these United States:
U.S. Supreme Court Judge Thurgood Marshall
Langston Hughes
Hattie McDaniels
Quincy Jones
Michael Jackson
Michael Jordan
Zaila Avant-garde
The Last Five Heisman Winners...And More... All Have A Common 'Powerful Facial Feature'... Winge's Peak!...
part of the face
'Nature's Mark Of The Blessed,'
'God's Sign on his First Powerful Ancient Warriors'
(Originating from the newly-proposed Ancient East African Humanoid Species
approx. 300,000 years ago).
"All humans that have evidence of an elatus labialis wingeulus
on their upper lips
considered to have 'Potentiated Functional Capacities to 'be, think and act,''
and are said
to be
This very well may be the first time that a prehistoric humanoid species is
being proposed on an interesting soft tissue representation alone.
Ralph Winge, D.D.S., USC Dental School Graduate,
and elucidator of
elatus labialis wingeulus.
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