Friday, February 7, 2025

African Winge's Peaks Of...Powerful Historical Figures ...Fighting For...'Black Power And Pan Africanism!'

See the mid-upper-lip midline mark, elatus labialis wingeulus

which is an anatomical sign of the presence of a predominant 

genetic, Power-imparting Super Trait, and which is 

'Nature's Mark of the Blessed,' on these Revolution-Inspiring

Historical Figures who play, and who have played, 

significant parts in the development of these United States:

Dr. Umar Ifatunde

Marcus Garvey

Dr. Carter G. Woodson

Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tavis Smiley

Rep. Jasmine Crockett

Shaun Harper

Alain Leroy Locke

Harriet A. Washington

John Hope Franklin

Maulana Karenga

Bernadette Atuahene

Robin D G Kelly

Molefi Kete Asante

Kweisi Mfume

Booker T. Washington

4 Star General Charles Q. Brown, Jr. 

Lurie Daniel Favors

Vusi Thembekwayo

DL Hughley

George Floyd

Malcolm X

Harriet Tubman

James Brown 

Elijah Muhammad

W. E. B. Dubois

Biddy Mason

Roy Wilkins

Nikki Giovanni

Vernon Jordan

Paul Robeson


Areva Martin

Louis Farrakhan

Shari Nicole 

Lena Horne

John Lewis

Emmitt Till

Easy E

Ralph Bunche

Fred Hampton

Bobby Rush

Huey P. Newton

Shirley Chisholm

James Baldwin

Michael Harriet 

Ella Baker

Althea Gibson

Dr. Julianne Malveaux

Stokely Carmichael

Dorothy Height

Rodney King

Ahmaud Arbrey

Rosa Parks

Angela Davis

Eldridge Cleaver

U.S. Supreme Court Judge Thurgood Marshall

Langston Hughes

Hattie McDaniels

Howard Thurman 

Berry Gordy


Jesse Jackson

Jesse Jackson, Jr.

Jim Brown

Robert Franklin Williams

Smokey Robinson

Bill Cosby

H. Rap Brown

George Washington Carver

Tarana Burke

Mr. T.

Naomi Campbell

Van Jones

Martin Robison Delany

Justin Jones

Justin Pearson

Willie D

Tabitha 'Tabithaspeakspolitics' Banks

Reese Waters

President Barack Obama

Michelle Obama

Marc Morial

Ice Cube

Floyd Mayweather

Eddie Murphy

Smokey Robinson

Amanda Gorman


Quincy Jones

Eddie Robinson

Dr. Maya Angelou

Sam Cooke 

Michael Jackson



Satchel Paige

Henry Aaron

Sly Stone

John Horse

Kareem Abdul Jabbar

Muhammed Ali

M. C. Hammer

Tyler Perry

Joe 'The Brown Bomber' Louis

Al Sharpton

M C Lyte

Viola Davis

Spike Lee

Toni Morrison

Whoopie Goldberg

Jackie Joyner Kersee

Julius Irving

Don Cornelius

Jimi Hendrix

Stevie Wonder

Rick James

Andre Talley

Dapper Dan

Taraji Henson


Aretha Franklin

Notorious B. I. G.

Shuler King 

Willie Mays

Tupac Shakur

Jackie Robinson

Fritz Pollard 

Flava Flav

Bessie Coleman

Michael Jordan

Shaquille O'Neal

Forrest Whitaker

Bill Duke

Viola Davis

Dave Chappell

Sidney Portier

Billy D. Williams

Grand Master Flash

Ben Crump

Isaac Hayes

Issac Hayes III

U. S. Supreme Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson


Zaila Avant-garde

...More to come!

The Last Five Heisman Winners...And More... All Have A Common 'Powerful Facial Feature'... Winge's Peak!...

This 'Most Mysterious' 

part of the face 


'Nature's Mark Of The Blessed,'


'God's Sign on his First Powerful Ancient Warriors'

(Originating from the newly-proposed Ancient East African Humanoid Species  

approx. 300,000 years ago).

Elatus labialis wingeulus, a genetically-dominant physical trait, is an 'appendage' 

over and of the upper lip's middle tubercle frontal surface, and is a naturally-

occurring, variably-manifested, vertically-oriented, differentiated soft tissue, 

epithelial-emanating fold or ridge or line or prominence, or otherwise, with 

subepithelial components (Winge's Peak Connective Tissue Complex, which 

includes the Hybrid Jaimalah Fibers), which coincides with the midline of 

the face and the interincisal and mid-sagittal lines, and runs down the middle 

of the middle tubercle surface of the rostral upper lip, which may extend 

inferiorly from the middle of the Vermillion Border's Cupid's Bow, 

down to the lower edge of the lip, with or without significant elevation 

above the surrounding lateral labial tissues, with or without the presence of 

differentiated vermillion surface epithelium (Winge Epithelium) seen along 

the linear crest of the Peak, with or without a change in hue from the 

prevailing local epithelial coloration, and with or without the presence 

of an inferiorly-positioned procheilon.

"All humans that have evidence of an elatus labialis wingeulus 

on their upper lips 


considered to have 'Potentiated Functional Capacities to 'be, think and act,''

and are said

to be 

direct descendants of the prehistoric humanoid species homo 


This very well may be the first time that a prehistoric humanoid species is 

being proposed on an interesting soft tissue representation alone.

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