Many of the Mighty and Powerful Chakri Dynasty Kings of Thailand exhibit
Winge's Peaks on the midline of their upper lips
(elatus labialis wingeulus):
Thailand King Maha Vajiralongkor (King Rama X)
and his father,
Thailand King Bhumibol Adulyadej (King Rama IX)
Thailand King Ananda Mahidol (King Rama VIII)
Thailand King Prajadhipok (King Rama VII)

Thailand King Chulalongkorn (King Rama V)
King Mongkut of Siam (Thailand) (King Rama IV)
Is this 'God's Beauty Mark on His First Powerful Ancient Warriors?' (Approximately
200,000 years ago)
Oral Winge's Peaks of...Some...Awesome...Asian Actors!
Elatus labialis wingeulus, a genetically-dominant physical trait, is an 'appendage' over the
upper lip's middle tubercle frontal surface, and is a naturally-occurring, variably-manifested,
vertically-oriented, differentiated soft tissue, epithelial-emanating fold or ridge or
line or prominence, or otherwise, with subepithelial components (Winge's Peak
Connective Tissue Complex), which coincides with the midline of the face
and the interincisal and mid-sagittal lines, and runs down the middle of the
middle tubercle surface of the rostral upper lip, which may extend inferiorly
from the middle of the Vermillion Border's Cupid's Bow, down to the lower
edge of the lip, with or without significant elevation above the surrounding
lateral labial tissues, with or without the presence of differentiated vermillion
surface epithelium (Winge Epithelium) seen along the linear crest of the Peak,
and with or without the presence of an inferiorly-positioned procheilon.
"All humans that have evidence of an elatus labialis wingeulus
on their upper lips are
considered to be direct descendants of the prehistoric humanoid species homo
Ralph Winge, D.D.S., USC Dental School Graduate,
and elucidator of
elatus labialis wingeulus.
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The First USC Trojan Dentist To Elucidate and Name An 'Unusual' Oral Anatomy Feature!... The Winge's Peak!
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For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.
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