Well...It's that
time of year again!
Let's get ready for the
Turkey...and everything else!
Loading up on food,
the Salads,
Mac and
and pies
Cobblers, and
ice cream,
and more,
my favorite, cold
cranberry sauce...but...
this Year...
...'Sumthin' just ain't right!'
With all of the chaos and hate
now in this World...
I just

don't feel like it!
and wars
both declared
and we tell our kids not to fight
but...they still act
like belligerent adults!
And don't get me started
about the
reeking havoc
Toxins spreading, and
on the lands,
and the flooding
and the
the Trash in our
lakes, streams, and oceans!
Will we ever have World Peace and
...instead of hoarding food
through my Mouth...
I will...
fast and pray
and Meditate and, in solitude...get in touch...
with My God...
...for Answers!
Doctor Winge's...'Most Dangerous' Smiles...For 2023...Are...
Can You Tell...If...People Are...'Straight'...'Gay'... 'LGBTQIA+' ...'Pan'...'Fluid'...'Cross Dressing'... 'They'... 'Non-Binary'...'None Of The Above'... 'All Of The Above'...Or...'What Ever*'...Just By... Looking At ...'Their' Smiles?''...Part 2....
The First USC Trojan Dentist To Elucidate and Name An 'Unusual' Oral Anatomy Feature!... The Winge's Peak!
'elatus labialis wingeulus'...The Winge's Peak... And Its Classification System...Part 1....
All Of The Manual Toothbrushing Methodologies Invented From 1932 to 2023!
Beautiful Spy...Tricks Dentist...To Help Get The ...'God Algorithms'...From...Google, Apple, Tesla, Amazon, And Facebook!...Part 5...(Post # 450)
The Dentist Who...Saves Christmas!...Part 8 ...(Oh No!...A Deadly Dark Matter Cloud Is Racing To...Melt Earth!…On Christmas!…But…Hopefully…This Dentist’s Plan…Will...)
The Last Secret...Baby Tooth!...Part 13...
For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.
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