Friday, October 11, 2024

Ralph Winge, D.D.S., the First Black Person To Have A Human Body Part Named For Him. Part 2.

This midline of the upper lip feature, 

the Winge's Peak (WP), with the Latin name

elatus labialis wingeulus

was first scientifically elucidated in 2011 by Dr. Ralph Winge,

a USC Dental School graduate:

Elatus labialis wingeulus, a genetically-dominant physical trait, is an 'appendage' 

over and of the upper lip's middle tubercle frontal surface, and is a naturally-

occurring, variably-manifested, vertically-oriented, differentiated soft tissue, 

epithelial-emanating fold or ridge or line or prominence, or otherwise, with 

subepithelial components (Winge's Peak Connective Tissue Complex, which 

includes the Hybrid Jaimalah Fibers), which coincides with the midline of 

the face and the interincisal and mid-sagittal lines, and runs down the middle 

of the middle tubercle surface of the rostral upper lip, which may extend 

inferiorly from the middle of the Vermillion Border's Cupid's Bow, 

down to the lower edge of the lip, with or without significant elevation 

above the surrounding lateral labial tissues, with or without the presence of 

differentiated vermillion surface epithelium (Winge Epithelium) seen along 

the linear crest of the Peak, and with or without the presence of an 

inferiorly-positioned procheilon.

A WP can have a phenotypically-derived ‘hypnotic effect’ on the person(s) 

watching them speak. This may help 'lure in' an audience (The Anglerfish also employs a 

structural diversionary tactic to catch prey). What could otherwise be full attention being 

given to the speaker's message, is now divided between the attention of the viewer into 

what is being said, and how they visually follow the motion of the speaker's lip Peak.


This effect can lull viewers into thinking about some things other than the message 


He proposes that this genetically-dominant lip trait,

along with their other 'strong mesomorphic accompanying genetics' 

was contributed to homo sapien, through commingling,

by an essentially-identical, coexisting, prehistoric humanoid species tribe

he calls

homo wingeulus, 

which he postulates first evolved

in the areas around Lake Nnalubaale (Victoria) and Mount Kilimanjaro, 

with homo sapien before the start of migrations out of those areas to the rest of Africa and beyond.

"This very well may be the first time that a prehistoric humanoid species is being proposed 

on a soft tissue representation alone," pronounces Winge.

As far as being the first Black African to have a human body part named for him, 

Winge relates, "I'm humbled, for sure, but we are still finding out new things about the 

Human Body, so there will, of course, be more discoveries and elucidations ahead!"

This 'Most Mysterious' 

part of the face 


'Nature's Mark Of The Blessed,'


'God's Sign on his First Powerful Ancient Warriors'

(Originating from the newly-proposed Ancient East African Humanoid Species  

approx. 300,000 years ago).

"All humans that have evidence of an elatus labialis wingeulus 

on their upper lips 


considered to have 'Potentiated Functional Capacities to 'be, think and act,''

and are said

to be 

direct descendants of the prehistoric humanoid species homo 


Ralph Winge, D.D.S., USC Dental School Graduate,

and elucidator of 

elatus labialis wingeulus.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Dracula Or Draculea…Who Has The...Better Bite?...Part 2.


 I Just Broke Out of My Doll Box!...

...Yes, I'm Free...Hey!...

...Why don't You and I 

get into 

Something Halloweenie!"

"I look like

you can Trust Me, right?"

Yes, People!...


...Make The World Go


We depend on our

Specialized Oral Bones


masticate our foods,

and to help us 

to speak,

and to

protect ourselves

from our


and to 


our Friends!

And Mouths and Teeth can

give Nonverbal Cues

that have real meanings!

But...'Get A Room'


you have to!


you know that

this is the 

'Teeth Time Of The Year,' right?


One needs teeth 

for all of that 



for all of that 'Biting!'


for Today's Piece,

we want to 

'Take It To The Streets'

and find out 

who has the 

'Better Looking Teeth'...




And to help us get a 

'Word On The Street' 

sampling of Opinions,

we have our own

Doctor Isabella Incisa

to get to the facts!

"Good day, folk!


going to jump right in 


see how People feel!"...

"And here's our first subject:

Good Morning, Miss...

Can I ask you a question?"


you can!"

"Whose teeth 

do you think look better?...Dracula...or Draculea?"

"I like Dracula's 


I hear that

his are

so sharp that

it just feels like a 

Monkey know...nice and warm

with no pain!"

"Thank you...

that's good to know!"

"Hi, you two!

Whose teeth are better?

Dracula's or Draculea's?"

"Oh, that's easy for us...

We both Love

Draculea!...She can be demanding,

and sometimes,

even a vicious  _  _  _  _  _! But 

that just comes with her

'Sweet and Sour' Packaging!"

"And you, Sir!...

Whose teeth are best?"

"That's Easy!...

Hands down, I think

Draculea's is



And, oh yeah...

she knows

what she wants


she's a little rough!

I like her style!"

"And you, Miss...

Who is your choice?"

"Oh, you know that


Da Mac!'

I Love Everything

 about him!

As a matter of fact,

I'd Love to go

to Transylvania


'Give All Of Myself' To Him!"

"Sir, Do you have a 

'New York Minute?'

I want to know if

you prefer the teeth of

Dracula or Draculea?"

"Well, I'm a Man

of Sophisticated Taste


last year

I met a woman with

'Moving Teeth!"

Needless to say,

I was blown away!

But, I was shocked when 

she told me that

she worked at a competing

Bank across the street!

Anyway... I can't get enough of her!

...Draculea...all the way!"

"I want Dracula

and she

has a thing for 




I Love


Hey Lady Interviewer!

I 'm asking you...

which teeth

do you like the best?"

I'll be straight with you!...


for Me to know and 

You to find out!"

"And with that,

Ladies and Gentlemen...

'We're Out!'"

'elatus labialis wingeulus'...The Winge's Peak... And Its Classification System...Part 1....

Winge's Peaks Of...Presidents...Kings...Sultans... And...Emperors!

Winge's Peaks Of...The Biggest...And Baddest... Rappers!...

For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Spectacular Ancient Black African Kings...With Winge's Peaks!...And Their Modern Day Look-Alikes!...

Yes!... The mid-upper lip

Winge's Peak (WP)!...

Pharaoh Narmer, who had a WP, 

is recorded as the first unifier of 

Upper and Lower Egypt when he was 24 years old

and has been said by some to 

look like

Boxing Champion Mike Tyson!

Here is Ramesses II


a close resemblant. Ramesses II was

married to 

Nefertari. Here's a modern day

A. I. resemblance.

Pharoah Huni's

face was desecrated

so we'll never know for sure if he, like KRS-1, had an elatus


...or not.

Pharaoh Akhenaten

(Amenhotep IV) has a 

doppelgänger too! His Principle wife was


King Tutankhamun

also has

a close double...

King Tut was married to his Great Royal Wife, 


...(an A. I. lookalike?).

Cleopatra, who had several husbands,

is rumored

to have also possessed a


Winge's Peak


is a favored African Ruler!

This 'Most Mysterious' 

part of the face 


'Nature's Mark Of The Blessed,'


'God's Sign on his First Powerful Ancient Warriors'

(Originating from the newly-proposed Ancient East African Humanoid Species  

approx. 300,000 years ago).

Elatus labialis wingeulus, a genetically-dominant physical trait, is an 'appendage' 

over and of the upper lip's middle tubercle frontal surface, and is a naturally-

occurring, variably-manifested, vertically-oriented, differentiated soft tissue, 

epithelial-emanating fold or ridge or line or prominence, or otherwise, with 

subepithelial components (Winge's Peak Connective Tissue Complex, which 

includes the Hybrid Jaimalah Fibers), which coincides with the midline of 

the face and the interincisal and mid-sagittal lines, and runs down the middle 

of the middle tubercle surface of the rostral upper lip, which may extend 

inferiorly from the middle of the Vermillion Border's Cupid's Bow, 

down to the lower edge of the lip, with or without significant elevation 

above the surrounding lateral labial tissues, with or without the presence of 

differentiated vermillion surface epithelium (Winge Epithelium) seen along 

the linear crest of the Peak, and with or without the presence of an 

inferiorly-positioned procheilon.

"All humans that have evidence of an elatus labialis wingeulus 

on their upper lips 


considered to have 'Potentiated Functional Capacities to 'be, think and act,''

and are said

to be 

direct descendants of the prehistoric humanoid species homo 


This very well may be the first time that a prehistoric humanoid species is 

being proposed on an interesting soft tissue representation alone.

Additional Resources:

'elatus labialis wingeulus'...The Winge's Peak... And Its Classification System...Part 1....

Winge's Peaks Of...Presidents...Kings...Sultans... And...Emperors!

Winge's Peaks Of...The Biggest...And Baddest... Rappers!...

Ralph Winge, D.D.S., USC Dental School Graduate,

and elucidator of 

elatus labialis wingeulus.

For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.