Sunday, December 29, 2013

“Attractivate” Your Smile! Then Show Everybody Your New Wonder! Don’t Keep It To Yourself!

-Your “shiner” smile boasts being "ALL FATTENED UP AND BLAZING OUT, courtesy of your friendly, neighborhood HSR!-

If you have a nice set of chops…you’re blessed! …Smile one for me in the mirror! 

And show others too!…and make people's day!

If you follow your desire to make your smile better, and act to make it better, the whole face benefits, as a result.  The new smile’s contribution to the face's Aesthetic Quadrilateral zone, helps that zone to become more “attractivated,” --attractive qualities activated--and made more alluring and appealing in the eyes of others, according to the prevailing, society-dictated, standards of beauty and attractiveness.

Blaze out, then, my smile! And may yours blaze out too!

There's only one word left to say in the chasing of the fountain of youth…


May you have many…to the contrary notwithstanding, and with a legal briefcase, chock full of incontrovertible proof!…will you please quickly reassume your position atop the pedestal of adoration!…survive and thrive another day in the jungle city…smiles!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

You Can’t “Knock Out Game” Your Dental Plaque! It Rope-A-Dopes Us!

-Your “consciousness-expanding “smile, through HSR, is GOING SKY WIDE!-

We can do what we will with daily hygiene, but once we start to skip our daily dental therapy sessions regularly, there’s going to be microbiological hell to pay!

In other words, plaque, and the biofilm it produces, takes any and all punishments and removals that we do to it, but it keeps eternally coming back and advancing through incessant multiplication of their numbers, and we have to keep up the heat of our regular efforts early and often, and beat back this scourge that grows right under our noses!

Check out these supporting scientific statistics and research-results-based proofs on the host–conquering visciousness of bacterial plaque:

-Webmd says a single tooth can host 500 million bacteria, and that more than 700 species of bacteria have been found in the human mouth.

-Dr. Loesche, from the University of Michigan, and author of the book,“Caries: A Treatable Infection,” warns that if we don’t brush for 24 hours the oral bacterial count can go from 20 billion to 100 billion! Also, bacteria in our mouths can double in the mouth every 4.8 hours. And in the most ideal Petri dish conditions, bacterial numbers can double every 20 minutes. We also swallow vast amounts of free bacteria in our saliva daily. estimates that there are 20 billion bacteria in the human mouth at any given time.

-One bacterium can become a billion bacteria in just 10 hours through binary fission, according to a report from!

In light of the above facts, it would seem like we are in a losing battle against the sinister oral biomes that outrageously out-number us in our mouths. Biofilm is really a microbiological bully! So we cannot slack off in our urgency.

We will never be able to eliminate every single bacterial cell that might be harbored in the many deepest, darkest, and most remote recesses of the human mouth, because they are too small, and all that is needed is for only one to be left behind…for them to repopulate with exponential ferociousness! 

Remember the wise words from a legendary disruptive dentist who has unceasingly warred for decades against the massive, ugly-fying, and destructive ravages that uncontrolled dental plaque lays waste to with impunity--acutely and chronically--: “Plaque grows back like the Sun does shine…don’t brush enough and your teeth will be mine!”

Once your smile complex is esthetically and functionally optimized, the super-majority of follow up care boils down to frequent preventive maintenance, to keep it right and tight!

So, in reality, you may have a nice upper cut punch or a super-effective right cross, but the too-small-to-see microbes of the mouth can absorb almost any blow that you can give it, without breaking its stride or breaking a sweat.

May you have many…meditatively pick up any threats in the surrounding matrix substance like a great martial artist, then go--beat ‘um up!...float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, I’m gonna be like Muhammed Ali!...know that you can’t even turn your back on plaque, not even for one second, without it trying to take over again…smiles!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

How Your Smile Can Sabotage You!

-Your “pop that thang” smile will GET ALL TOASTED UP under HSR’S influence!-

“Noooo!...I’m having a bad smile day!”

“It looks and feels horrible!”

You name it: missing or crooked teeth, darkly-stained, loose, or carious teeth, anything less than acceptable just won’t fly in today’s judge-appearances-first, ask-questions-later society.

You may have seen some people who are so embarrassed and ashamed of their mouths that they hide it with their hands when they talk or laugh.

There are immense benefits to having a big beautiful smile: it brightens the face and the mood and it does so, effectively.

But if it’s less than perfect, people will notice…and stare sometimes at an imperfection of your smile.

Since the mouth is a very accessible part of our bodies, we can practice daily oral hygiene to maximize its cleanliness. The mouth exists in its present state because we take care of it… or don’t take care of it. We control the activities that it does, and the care that it receives. Procrastination of effective daily care is what ultimately damages our smiles, and is what makes dentists rich.

For this article, a better question to address might be: How are we sabotaging our own smiles? Which of our behaviors contribute to the physical decline of the smile?

Using your teeth to open things like bottle tops, packages of food, super-glue bottles, or even breaking sewing thread, is taking too much of a chance. You may damage your all-important pearly whites!
Biting and chewing on hard candies, hard nuts, and large chunks of ice put concentrated paranormal stresses on teeth, and possibly place them at risk of fracturing. If the teeth are weakened structurally because of large fillings, one should take great care not to overly stress the teeth and fillings. If a person chews crushed ice a lot, he or she can repeatedly make the metal in the fillings contract, then later expand as the mouth heats back up to normal. The continuous contraction and expansion cycles with habitual ice consumption can accelerate the wear and tear on the interfaces between the fillings and the tooth’s enamel areas.

Drinking soda or fruit juices with significant amounts of cane sugar is unhealthful for the teeth, because the bacteria in the mouth consume and metabolize those nutrient sugars and release acidic products that decalcify the surfaces of the teeth. The newly softened enamel is now more susceptible to hard-to-repair, surface-matrix damage, and is at risk for further mineral loss. Try drinking sweet beverages through a straw so as to not bathe the teeth in the potentially-cavity-causing liquid. And try to rinse with water afterward to help buffer any acidic oral pH change.

Being stressed-out can have negative effects on us. We may put off or forget to practice healthy behaviors, and may take up unhealthy behaviors to cope.

Experiencing prolonged psychological distress results in us producing too-high levels of stress hormones, like cortisol, which will result in internal organ damage. Our bodies will get weaker, and our immunological defenses will become less potent in fending off microbiological invaders.

New and unresolved anxieties in a person’s life may cause them to start grinding and clenching their teeth, many times without knowing it. Bruxing the teeth at night may get so bad that a night guard must be used to treat the fatigue and the excessive musculoskeletal stresses experienced, and to lessen the frictional wearing of the masticatory enamel.

To counteract some of the negativity around, find time in your day to “de-stress”: relax, exercise, and meditate. Learn to read the biofeedback responses that your body gives off, such as unnecessarily tight muscles, improper breathing cycles, bad positional posture, etc.

Other things that can bomb out a great smile include:

--An ineffective toothbrush.

--A toothbrush which has bristles that are unnecessarily stiff.

--Pressing the toothbrush against the teeth and gums with too much force when teethbrushing.

--The consistent use of a toothpaste that is too abrasive.


--Drinking darkly-pigmented beverages.

--Brushing for a lot less than 2 minutes every time you brush.

-- Not flossing, brushing, and rinsing enough. 

--Some drugs, medicines, and “natural,” biological health supplements.

Catch problems before they get a chance to seriously hatch, by strategically huddling with your Dental Team about every 180 to 200 days. They can digitally and manually check the health of each of your dental bones, and can ultrasonically blast away, or meticulously hand-scrape-off, any hardened plaque, calculus, and bacterial buildup that may try to stab your smile in the back.

Psychological experts for decades have revealed this: what we expect to happen…really may end up happening: it’s called a self-fulfilling prophecy! Hey, you all, let’s expect, and work for, fun and thoroughly immaculate smiles for years to come! We can make it happen!

When it comes to the sabotage and espionage of your smileyou don't need to call James Bondyou just need a fist full of floss, a no-BS brush and paste, and a reliable rinse. Oh yes, and a world-class "out of my way" anti-plaque attitude! 

May you have many…hey, wait a minute, my teeth work for me, and not the other way around!...she looks like a movie star, but her smile is sneaky!…my hot lover knows that I love them, but they still keep breaking my heart!…smiles!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Turn Your High Beam Teeth On!…You Want Them To Stare At Your Smile!

-HSR weekly OVERARCHES your “you ain’t gonna take my lover away from me” smile!-

A big, white, and attractive smile is worth more than its weight in gold and in good looks! It’s alive, interactive, and can grab and keep the attention of the people. It’s a trait that everyone wants, even covets!

It is one of the many markers of beauty or handsomeness in our appearance-is-everything society. If your smile and facial appearance are not up to par, which can be judged by others in almost a nanosecond to form a bias, many people won’t take the time to get to know you.

A picture-perfect grin is a sign of good health, and may convince some people that you are interesting and good to be around. All of the rich, famous, and powerful people brandish a great smile! Attractive people are also thought to be more successful, earn more money, are more outgoing, intelligent, trustworthy, youthful-looking, and more challenge-ready. Attractive people are also said to receive more leniency if they make mistakes. The smile…yes…that powerful social magnet.

Choosing to be happy and showing your smile actually provides healthy physical benefits to you: your blood pressure and heart rate can moderate toward better health. Endogenous endorphins have painkiller effects where we might hurt. They also serve as neurotransmitters stimulators, important in producing feelings of euphoria. Abel & Kruger, in 1952, did a study and found that baseball players that smiled more actually lived longer than their teammates that didn’t smile much, by approximately 6.6 years.

It has been proven that attractive people get better jobs, get into better schools, are more popular, and generally have more opportunities in life and love.

Straight, orthodontically-harmonious teeth that work well together, display better  food flow patterns when chewing,  are easier to clean with regular brushing and flossing techniques, are easier to restore if needed, and add balance to the muscles, bones and tempero-mandibular joints of the oral complex.

So if you don’t have a great smile, guess what…you can buy one! And the return on investment (ROI) is almost incalculably cool!

The process of getting your “ivories” all lined up, white, and working in synch may take a while, in some cases a year or so. But it’s time, money, and perseverance well spent! Be realistic in your expectations, though. You won’t end up looking like your favorite movie star, but you can smile like one! Once it gets fixed up, like all smiles, yours will need to be maintained for a life time of good looks.

Your dentist at your dental home can help you optimize the look and action of your smile. He or she can make your dreams of owning a dazzling smile come true!

Then people can stare at your smile, which is okay! Just make sure that they’re not really checking out the lettuce on your front tooth from the salad you just ate!

Also, don’t smile wide all of the time. Show a little here and there, to keep your admirers coming back for more!

May you have many…I can spot your smile through the fog!…an unbelievably great wonder of the world?...people keep bumping into each other while looking at your…smiles!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Dental Plaque’s Revenge: Their Creed To Destroy Every Human Mouth In The World!

-It’s HSR’s turn to make your “going commando“ smile BREAK WIDE!-

What if we as scientists uncover the following dangerous biological manifesto written within the genetic code of Staphylococcus mutans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and all of the other bacteria and microbes in the mouth. Should we be frightened?

What if the following is true? It may read:

“Soon after the Lord pronounced the eternal phrase, “Let there be Light!,” Lo and beholdeth, my quadrillion bacterial brethren, numbering to the quadrillionth power, WE BECAME, and…

…I reach out to you, as one of many, AND COMMANDETH:


…That we shall thriveth, liveth, and prospereth off of the jungle and battlefield of the flesh and mouth of Mankind, and voraciously consumeth all of the far-and-widely flung and scattered masticated food which passeth through that unique singular oral portal,

…That we shall harken and communicate with each other with our waving flagellas and other surface projections, many of which possesseth astounding length or abbreviated brevity, and all measurements in betweeneth,


…With, and to the last, of our chemically-exuding pores, squeeze out many of our reactant enzymes to help us exothermically create dizzying, cascading, tsunami-like walls of our caustic ooze upon Man’s mouth, which will attack, inflame, acidify, and otherwise discombobulate our multicellular host/enemy’s cellular substances, susceptible surfaces, and intelligent ribosomal and T-cell defenses,


…Continue our glorious genetic mission which internally involves producing, in victorious quantities, biochemical compounds that will propagate warning signals to ourselves when we are under attack, by our host attempting to clean the mouth, or otherwise mitigate our infinite numbers, and this will prompt us to self-fortifyeth, by sharing genetic and other resources, which will also help us in finding efficient ways to circumvent any means that Man might use to controleth our mighty numbers and effects,


…Never cease to incessantly reproduceth our armies, frequently and exponentially in scope, especially during the times when Man sleepeths, and the salivary flow ebbeths enough to reveal its weakened defensive flow against our take-no-prisoners, devouring forces,

BE IT RECOGNIZED, in our genetical substrate, THAT FROM THIS TIME FORWARD...

…That having sought refuse in the mouths Man for many uncountable centuries, and having totally occupied the oral cavities of his anthropological precursors, including Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Australopithecus, and all of the other species, many of which have yet to be unearthed and lab-verified by their nosy archeologists,


…To invadeth, prospereth, and wineth, even after our current warrior bacterial soldiers pass, and our lifeless bodies and long-chained DNA are fossilized to Medusa-calcified hardness, only to regaineth the advantage of robust multiple lives again, if any one mere small speck of our surviving cellular structure reaches out and ends up in another human oral cavity, even if that day happens many hundreds of thousand of years from now!,”


…All of us, as extracellular microbes, TO ETERNALLY COMMIT to taking degrading advantage of Man’s mouth for the rest of time!”…THIS SHALL BE!”


If the foregoing possible, rambling message has any truth to it…we may be in for it! But our dental plaque germs have coevolved with Homo sapiens sapiens and all of our previous incarnations over the eons, so we’re not exactly new to each other. Oral biofilm and Man, sort of like, biologically happened together.

Does our DNA have “genetic attitude,” too?

Which leads to the next question: does DNA have psychological feelings and drives, and militaristic urges to defeat other species types of DNA aggregates? Can strands of DNA duke it out MMA Style?
(Long-chained worm wrestling?)

I eagerly look forward to the results of research in that area!

May you have many… gollee, I’m shaking in my proverbial boots!…did that bacteria just order me to put down my toothbrush and step away from the mouthwash?… can’t we all just get along?…smiles!