Sunday, December 22, 2013

You Can’t “Knock Out Game” Your Dental Plaque! It Rope-A-Dopes Us!

-Your “consciousness-expanding “smile, through HSR, is GOING SKY WIDE!-

We can do what we will with daily hygiene, but once we start to skip our daily dental therapy sessions regularly, there’s going to be microbiological hell to pay!

In other words, plaque, and the biofilm it produces, takes any and all punishments and removals that we do to it, but it keeps eternally coming back and advancing through incessant multiplication of their numbers, and we have to keep up the heat of our regular efforts early and often, and beat back this scourge that grows right under our noses!

Check out these supporting scientific statistics and research-results-based proofs on the host–conquering visciousness of bacterial plaque:

-Webmd says a single tooth can host 500 million bacteria, and that more than 700 species of bacteria have been found in the human mouth.

-Dr. Loesche, from the University of Michigan, and author of the book,“Caries: A Treatable Infection,” warns that if we don’t brush for 24 hours the oral bacterial count can go from 20 billion to 100 billion! Also, bacteria in our mouths can double in the mouth every 4.8 hours. And in the most ideal Petri dish conditions, bacterial numbers can double every 20 minutes. We also swallow vast amounts of free bacteria in our saliva daily. estimates that there are 20 billion bacteria in the human mouth at any given time.

-One bacterium can become a billion bacteria in just 10 hours through binary fission, according to a report from!

In light of the above facts, it would seem like we are in a losing battle against the sinister oral biomes that outrageously out-number us in our mouths. Biofilm is really a microbiological bully! So we cannot slack off in our urgency.

We will never be able to eliminate every single bacterial cell that might be harbored in the many deepest, darkest, and most remote recesses of the human mouth, because they are too small, and all that is needed is for only one to be left behind…for them to repopulate with exponential ferociousness! 

Remember the wise words from a legendary disruptive dentist who has unceasingly warred for decades against the massive, ugly-fying, and destructive ravages that uncontrolled dental plaque lays waste to with impunity--acutely and chronically--: “Plaque grows back like the Sun does shine…don’t brush enough and your teeth will be mine!”

Once your smile complex is esthetically and functionally optimized, the super-majority of follow up care boils down to frequent preventive maintenance, to keep it right and tight!

So, in reality, you may have a nice upper cut punch or a super-effective right cross, but the too-small-to-see microbes of the mouth can absorb almost any blow that you can give it, without breaking its stride or breaking a sweat.

May you have many…meditatively pick up any threats in the surrounding matrix substance like a great martial artist, then go--beat ‘um up!...float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, I’m gonna be like Muhammed Ali!...know that you can’t even turn your back on plaque, not even for one second, without it trying to take over again…smiles!

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