Sunday, November 3, 2013

Are Your Teeth “Sexy” Or “T-Rexy?”

Step right up and smell the coffee at "The Hollywood Smiles Report: Where Dentistry Meets the Red Carpet," your best venue every week to learn how to INFLATE your “burst it wide open” smile!  

Does your smile possess smooth and harmonic gum-line curves, along with golden-proportioned, properly-positioned, functionally-tight, and almost-light-bulb-white teeth?

Or do your specialized oral bones (teeth) present themselves as jagged, crooked, or otherwise broken, in some, or all parts, from living a rough life, or eating way-too-hard food, with front teeth that stick out so far that they seem to “want to reach out and touch me?” Are the gum tissues red-alert swollen, pus-filled, and in need of an immediate penicillin shot right there on the spot? Or do we hot-line call the CDC for “immaculate disinfection?”

In the wild, predator animals hunt and catch prey without regards to “dentally-cosmetic good looks.” They have to eat, to get energy to live another day. So what if a tooth breaks off in the vigorous pursuit of live meat. The fun is in the hunt…and in the munching and belly-rubbing sleep afterward!

In the animal kingdom, functionality rules, bottom line. But with our civilized human race, socially-acceptable physical looks are a must-have, especially if you want to be connected to main-stream society. One doesn’t want to stick out like a sore thumb…or a Godzilla!

When humans argue or play competitive sports they bare and growl with their teeth to some extent to emphasize that they are battle-ready and want “chew you up and spit you out!” Have you ever been…never mind!

Fact of the matter is that many athletes in “gladiator” types of sports have had rehabilitation of their front teeth because of the brute force pounding that they must dish out…and receive. Many otherwise beautiful front teeth have been laid to rest through such activities.

So if the architecture of your smile needs corrective construction services and heavy lifting to boot, move over to your dentist. Not brontosaurus-slow, but fleet-footed-raptor quick.

That is, if you don’t mind looking like Ex-Heavyweight Boxing Champ Leon Spinks with his world-famous open grill. He was one of the few to ever beat Muhammed Ali. I would instantly beg for forgiveness over any perceived slight, and quickly slip out the back door! Because I don’t want to get pounded and end up looking the same way!

May you have many…wow--Halloween mouth all year ‘round...are those teeth live or are they Memorex...excuse me—can I just stare at your beautiful teeth for a bit—but don’t bite me!…smiles! 

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