"Hey!...CJ...What You Doin'...In That...Fancy Helicopter?...We Gotta...Walk Home From...Our Favorite Bar!...CJ!...
...Come Down From There!"...
the Music I make,
with Harmonic, Melodic, and other Energy Frequencies
is similar to the Signal Processing seen
in all of Earthly and
You can say that,
...Sonic Bursts of Intelligent Life!"
"When I have a Chance to
I might find out that
...we have Many Things in Common!"
“So, Secret Agent Hollywood Report, You say that
You want to be
My ‘Handler’...
...Does that
mean what I think it means?”
“Yes, Doctor Report! We are definitely coming to Your Annual Halloween Party Month
...October 2nd!”

“When You’re Abducted by Aliens...
...You want Me to
come with You?...

“I’d like to know what
Space Aliens eat!
Photon Smoothies, Black Hole Biscuits,
...Galactic Grilled Cheese Sandwiches?”
“Hi there!
I come in Peace,
and maybe You do, too!...
...Hey, do You Guys have Families…

...with Baby Brothers and Sisters
You and Your
'I would like to Travel in Outer Space but everything's too far away!'
HSR thinks that a Big Booming Noise was made,
mainly because he uses ‘Common Sense!’
many times,
He is ‘Caught Slippin’ with
the Common Sense Thing!
...Peep what kind of Continuing Game
that first emerged during,
The Smiles And Stuff Of These Southern California Beach Girls...
... Just Drive This 18 Year-Old Northern Minnesota Boy ...
...Crazy!...Part 1.,"

...Space Aliens?
USC Dental School
is the Best!
It’s where Great Dentists
are Made!
The Physical Plant is
State of the Art,
and the Professors and Students and Staff
are a Special and Motivated Breed!
And the Patients
and their Families are clamoring
for Dental Services!
From Pre-Clinical
to Clinical
and even Lab Work and
Crown Castings,
On the way to Her Place,
They talk about a lot of things,
and when finally there,
Jenna confesses,
“Any Girl would be glad to have You for Herself,
just promise Me that You’ll
stay In Touch!”
“Sure, Baby,” He smiles.
She gives him a quick Kiss on the Cheek...
...so He’s all Happy and
But as he makes his way home,
he sees a
strange shape in the distance,
almost immediately,
some lights shine
his way, which
seem to make it
impossible to continue walking!...
...the Dental Student can’t even
‘Move a Muscle!’
He feels his body
being picked up
weightlessly transported
to the waiting Vessel.
Now inside,
He is grabbed by some ‘Beings’
and taken to this ‘Being Leader,’
who speaks,
“Yes!, it looks like we have
a good Specimen here!...
...Hey!... You belong to us now,
if You try any ‘Funny Business,’
it’s Curtains for You...understand?”
he directs the Other Beings to
‘take him to the Chamber!’ ...
So, they haul him
down a hallway,
and on that trip,
he sees a Lady
in one room that
doesn’t seem happy at all!
Then a door opens up
they place him
on a table then leave.
Now, a woman in a Hologram appears
in front of Him,
and she says,
“You must...do as they order you,
or else!
I’ll give you the Courtesy
of revealing what they plan to do
with You all.
They are going to
as many of your kind
as they can
and build
a Super Military Force,
making a Million Soldiers from
each one of You!
Now, an unseen Force
pulls the Dental Student back
into a
Blue-lighted Contraption...
...“The first Chance I get,”
the Dental Student promises quietly to Himself,
“I’m going to
catch a Space Ship and
leave this Place!”
The Hologram continues,
“But You will not
be Soldiers
of your own kind..
...You will be ‘Hybrids’...
Unmatched Superiorities!..
...And I think that You will be Proud
to become
one of Us!”
At that time, the Dental Student
feels Rumblings,
like the Space Ship
is about to take off!
Now, a Leader
in the Ship’s Control Room
“We came, we saw, and we conquered,
and We have a bunch of Humans
to initiate our Military Campaign…
...so it’s...
back to Home Base!”
And with that,
the Ship raises
and starts
its Course
to some Place
might not be a ‘Party’
for the USC Dental Student!
May you have many...
I’d like to meet some
...“If Aliens

...“Since Extraterrestrials have the Scientific Wherewithal to

“Some People say that I
some times dress
‘Out of this World!’
“I am in My
‘Most Peaceful State’
when I am

...in the Air

I hope You do, too!"
“Going into Battle is in My Blood!
That’s why

it’s so Easy for Me!”
“Hollywood chose Me to go to the Dental School Prom With Him!
...I really am

... ‘All That!’”
...Pull back a Nub!'...Ha!..."
“Kung Fu Martial Artist Report!

of this Cave!"
Oh My!
...The Many
The Dentist Who Loves You Back
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