Sunday, January 26, 2014

Warning! Your Smile’s Saliva Can Set You Free Or Bust You Up At DUI Checkpoints!

-Your “to be forewarned is to be forearmed“ smile IS HERETOFORE INCONTROVERTIBLY INFORMED by your caring, reliable, option-of-last-resort HSR!-

Who would have thought!

Elements of your most precious “facial headlights”—your smile—can now actually work against you and your freedoms…

… if you have banned substances reflected and detected in your own spit while behind the wheel. The driving public is now on notice!

Starting this year, local authorities in many states will want drivers to, voluntarily or requisitely, give up a swab sample of the mouth’s inner cheek cells and saliva from divers stopped at DUI check points with a computer-connected device (maybe like this) that can preliminarily detect a constellation of more than a handful of substances thought to impair driving (including cocaine, meth, and even some sleep medicines).

Los Angeles and NewYork are watching and checking it out big-time! Other states and localities aren’t playing, either.

Many countries are trying to achieve safer public thoroughfares, too.

Drugs and medicines take time to clear out of the body. Pot , vicodin, meth, heroin, and crack all take a while to clear out of your system. After they are physiologically metabolized and filtered out, they will not offer an undo influence on the all-important judgement and reflex qualities of a driver.

A phlebotomist may be on site at the checkpoint to take clarifying blood samples, if necessary, to get to the medical bottom of anything sniffed out in the saliva, as far as the concentration of contrabands are concerned.

The author does not know what will happen to the samples once their field uses are finished, or what will happen to the DNA in the samples once obtained.

There are a lot of green-cross stores in many cities all over, and a lot of product is moved and consumed, but the authorities, and other members of the driving public, just want “clean” drivers behind the wheel.

That makes for safer streets and less accidents…and one can’t successfully argue against that!

So with that in mind…

May you have many…walk softly and carry a big smile!...the only thing you're allowed to be high on when driving—is life!...if you have too much to lose, then, as they say, keep your nose clean!…smiles!

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