Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Future Of Dentistry…OMG!, Part 1.

-Your “we do not have to go back to proceed to the future” smile, according to HSR’s calculations, should BE BLISSFULLY AND EVER-INCREASINGLY REVOLVING just past the next event horizon!

When I put on my future glasses and focus on what might be possible in Dentistry, I almost feel shivers down my spine!

Thirty, sixty, and 100 years from now, the art and science of Stomatologic Dentistry, I guarantee, will be a sight to behold!

Now, don’t get me wrong! There are many tried and true materials and techniques that dental practitioners can fall back on, especially in times of natural disasters, when possibly all of our high-tech, fancy-schmancy gadgets might become completely inoperable. Basic materials and techniques should always be included in all dentist’s “black bag” armamentarium, and proudly so…because…they work!

But, future materials that will be used to restore teeth, which, by the way, are getting incrementally better almost every year already, will get phenomenally more biomimetic, biocompatible, and bioengineered.

New scientific processes, exotic combinations of elements and minerals, and manufacturing advancement opportunities using great economies of scale, will result in better prevention of dental problems, better filling materials that will be virtually indistinguishable, both visually and physically, from normal tooth structure, all at a cost that’s affordable to patients and insurance companies.

Veneers and crowns will be meticulously measured, morphologically machined, slickly finished, and then cemented with advanced, super-sticky, nano-particulate cements, which will assure that they will never break or come off.

Chemical compounds, some of which are being created now, and others that have yet to be formulated, will be engineered to strengthen our natural tooth enamel so much that, after application, even the strongest acids, produced by the most sinister biological bacteria hidden away in our mouths, will not degrade our hard-tooth tissue surfaces one iota! Our indestructible enamel will really last a lifetime then!

Let’s talk more on this…

May you have many…some of those centuries-old scientific techniques hold long-lost secrets that may aid in future breakthroughs!...keep it simple, elegant, and useful…use old-warrior strength to turn open the difficult-to-move tall castle gates, allowing your creative mind-juice to tsunamically flow out and flourish the vast thought landscape… smiles!

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