Saturday, June 21, 2014

Hello, I’m Karen! My Smile Drives Men Crazy! Why, I’ve Had Them Do…Part 2.

WHAT IF YOU HAD TO WALK THROUGH A LONG DARK CAVE WITH A MEDIEVAL TORCH THAT’S ABOUT TO GO OUT, AND SOME STRANGE, GROWING SOUNDS SEEM TO COME CLOSER—not to worry though— proclaims the HSR, as your “always the next good thing to look at” smile, shall be guided informatively and safely to your destination.

Quick background: Karen confides to a new friend that she likes using the power of her alluring smile, but she thinks some men get some wild ideas, just because she pays attention to them. 

I know that I have been doing all of the talking, so I have to ask you, what’s your name?

Tikka, you say?

I notice that those three guys over there have been leering at us for quite some time, you pick that up, too?

Yeah, they wish!

I just love the party at this oceanfront Miami Beach mansion!

Do you blaze with your own business?

Oh, get outta here!

So you’re the one behind the pheromone perfumes that everybody’s talking about! I hope you know that you’re responsible for the city’s skyrocketing fertility rates, and the plummeting crime rates!

You’re making people desire to stay home and light the fireplace, among other things!

I like that! You’re a game maker!

What’s the name of your hottest selling potion?

Dang, Tikka! How did you dream up that name, “Survival Of The Species?” It has an ingenious double entendre to it, yet the name leaves everything to the imagination!

Do you plan to sell it in stores sometime soon, or just exclusively on the ‘Net?

Oh, your costs are minimal if you sell online.

Yes, and, the buyers pay for taxes and shipping costs.

Go on, Tikka!

You’ve got your business model humming! And your income stream must be a tsunami!

You say that one of the three guys over there owns a large stake in Kor’real, the international brand?

Did he tried to buy you out?

He offered what?

A condo on the 60th floor in the Burj Khalifa, all paid for, in your name?

Okay! And what was your come back?

…Wait!...You’re the one that secretly brought that penthouse in Monaco’s Tour Odeon Towers last year?

OMG! Then, what else happened…?

I didn’t know his tail could go between his legs!

You know, I’ve been looking for a great partner to go in on this venture…

Let’s give them a one-two punch!

I got this big idea where this new business will…


May you have many…what would you give to recycle back through this world again, or would you want to? it all about making significant income streams come your way?...animals that were made to walk: should they fly, swim underwater, or explore outer space, too?…smiles!

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