Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Last Secret Baby Tooth! Part 4.

EVERYBODY’S TALKING ABOUT EXPLORING OUTER SPACE, YET CLOSER TO HOME WE REALLY NEED TO GET TO KNOW OUR DEEPEST OCEANS, OUR DENSEST FORESTS, AND EVEN THE WONDEROUS INTERNEURONAL CONNECTIONS, THE MYRIAD PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL FEEDBACK MECHANISMS, AND THE CONDITIONAL CIRCADIAN BIORYTHMIC FUNCTIONS OF THE HUMAN BRAIN, because the HSR is currently scrubbing up to surgically blunt-dissect away any extraneous intellectual fat tissue, that way, your “doctor, really, I don’t want to feel a thing” smile will unfailingly be profoundly anesthetized!

Quick background: The dentist, with his secret, yet seemingly dangerous-to-possess, baby tooth cargo, is transported yet again, this time to a mountain top cave, where he must bring out the true, unlimited powers of this special deciduous tooth!

I’m carefully walking deeper into this cave, protectively clutching the secret baby tooth pendant that got me into this mess in the first place, and which magically appeared around my neck, when I initially started this unwanted journey.

I’ve got to get past any obstacle and find the chamber up here in this mountain top, that will receive the focusing rays of lights from the three important, rarely-aligned, suns.

And in that chamber, there is a mortar on top of an Altar. I am to place the baby tooth in the mortar, and crush it to bits with the hammer-like pestil next to it. 

It isn’t known to me what will happen next, but I must do this, if I am to have any chance of making it back home.

Suddenly, parts of the cave walls are shaking loose and falling. 

Something’s barreling down the cave, approaching me fast.

 I slip into a deep crack in the cave wall, to tuck out of the way.

Quickly, a big fiery ball, almost as wide as the cave itself, dangerously rumbles past me, and on out of the cave’s mouth, crashing way down below with a deep, low rumble.

It’s pitch black in the cave now...

I think I’ll hide in this recess a little longer, because I sense that there are more dangers yet to come…and soon!

Right after finishing that thought, a bunch of electrified green balls start to come my way. They are the size of baseballs, and are ping-ponging off of the cave walls, shocking the rocks as they bounce off of them.

The first few whizz quickly and fly right past me, but more are coming and the intensity of them is growing, which means that they are eventually going to get to me, and then I’ll probably be a goner for sure!

I push myself deeper into the crack of the wall…

…and work my way through the wall, and into another cave!

I step down on to the floor, and start running to my right, as fast as I can.

Running around a sharp bend in the tunnel…

…I suddenly stop dead in my tracks!...

There’s a large spider-like monster that has electric zappers at the ends of each of its legs.

I have no chance against this beast, or so I think.

The spider quickly slings two legs out, one on each side of me. The crackling leg tips then get closer to me. I feel the hot heat of the popping and hissing of millions of volts!

I can’t even move my body to get away. I’m paralyzed by the force field.


Unexpectedly, and at once, a loud and deadly sound of a sword slicing right through some meat, shocks both me, and the spider!

The electrical tips of the spider die out, as the spider slumps to the ground, dead.

A snake with a sword in its mouth is what slit the spider’s back and killed it!

The snake victoriously rises above the vanquished spider, draws back on its tail, then throws down the sword in front of me, and hisses loudly. Then it speaks, “Here, take this sword. You must make it to the chamber, now.”

“If you complete your mission, I will transform back into what I once was…and go back with my family on Earth!”

“Here…this is the way!”

The snake rears back its tail and whips it to crash a hole into the ceiling, and brings its tail back down, so that I can be lifted up with it to the hole.

Grasping the baby tooth pendant in one hand, and the sword in the other, I struggle through the opening and reach up to solid ground and stand up.

A voice around me says, “Go the left way!”

I run as fast as I can, then turn a corner, and stop suddenly again, almost losing my balance, over a cliff-deep ledge.

“This is why my Momma told me not to run!” I thought to myself!

I look across this very wide cavern, and in the middle of it, perched up on a tall thin rock, is the Altar with the mortar on it. The penetrating rays of the suns are starting to merge…my time is short!

“I have to get across the air to the altar!” I scream to myself, “but how?!”

I better find a way quickly, because, right now, coming down the cave close behind me is a loudly-shrieking swarm of some deadly…


May you have many…good things come to those who wait, but all prerequisite sequences need to be engaged and ready to pounce…for safety’s sake, should “Sunday Driving” only be done on Sundays…how many times has your cell phone “saved” your life?…smiles!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Smiling And Laughter…Take These Medicines Now! Part 1.

The HSR JUMPS OUT OF ITS SEAT QUICKLY, AND WITH HEAVY-HANDED, BRUSQUE, AND ADVERSARIAL FLAIR IN COURT, AND SHOUTS, “I OBJECT, YOUR HONOR, ON THE GROUNDS THAT ALL OF THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED SO FAR COMES FROM A WITNESS WHO HAS NO TEETH, SO THIS SUIT HAS NO MERIT,” because all they really want is to be able to eat syrup-and-butter-soaked waffles in the morning while reading the newspaper about your “party over here, party over there, wanna run your fingers through your hair” smile!

Exploring and enjoying our lives with optimism, inspiration, gratitude, love, laughter, and sincere smiling infuses and strengthens us with many short-term and long-term psychophysiological advantages, including helping us to:

-boost our available energy

-diminish physical pain (except in cases where “it only hurts when I laugh”)

-overcome challenges and conflicts in our lives

-optimize balance in our emotional health and emotional intelligence

-enhance our meaningful relationships

-crowd out anger and anxiety

-note that laughter is made up of gestures and sounds

-practice and benefit from the power of shared laughter

-be more playful and child-like in facing and enjoying life’s fulfilling adventures

-know the importance of counting your blessings

-relax more deeply

-relieve physical tension and distress (less cortisol and other stress hormones circulating in the body)

-laugh, connect and bond more with other people

-realize that we have the power to change our moods

-keep focused and alert


May you have many…sitting on the porch, looking at the palm trees almost musically sway in the wind, reminds me of the time I was totally hypnotized with a psychologist’s 18th Century pocket watch…would you like to go hunting for a deep-sea monster that no one’s been able to capture on camera, or has lived to tell about it?…if you exercise in your dreams, will you lose any weight? (Yeah, in your dreams!)….smiles!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Looking For A New Love And You Have Lots Of Money In The Bank? Don’t Fall For That Old Smile Trick…!

HERE COMES A FULL PARAMILITARY PLATOON OF “300”-LOOKING SOLDIER REINFORCEMENTS OVER THE HORIZON, READY TO SLICE AND DICE THE COMPETITION TWICE—WAIT A MINUTE—that’s just the jolly, rollee-polee HSR, ready to rescue with the back seat comfort of a new Rolls Royce, your “Saturday morning lazy, just want to get a little more snooze in” smile!

That’s right!

Be you a man or a woman, warning, there are people out there that want to mark you, and get close to you, and surreptitiously earn your trust, then, as soon as you let down your instinctive guard, snatch what you have and laugh with it all the way to their banks!

And in many of the cases like these that come to light, the perpetrators have smooth demeanors, and have catchy, addictive-to-look-at smiles…all tight, bright, and in line right!

Oh, yes...that tricky, "trust me, baby" smile!

Science has shown that not all of the smiles expressed by Man convey joy and happiness. Members of some cultures around the world may reflexively smile because of embarrassment, or because of pain, and even because of anguish or exasperation.

So as far as grins go, you can’t tell a smile by its cover!

Looking a little deeper into a person, that is, past his or her smile, and external good looks, may give you a better barometer reading as to the essence of the person that you are trying to get to know.

See how they tick and what makes them click. And reading body language may help you figure out their motivations in wanting to get next to you!

Watch it ladies, those con artist guys will lie to you, seduce you, make you feel really special and on top of the world…until you get your next bank statement which may show a zero or negative balance!

And watch out guys, the same thing can, and has happened to the males of our species.

In our current times, a lot of people desperately want to feel needed, and even lovingly desired, and maybe even swept off of their feet, and, without knowing, they are wearing and showing those emotions loudly on their sleeves, which can be quickly picked up by those who know how to socially spot easy prey.

So, remember, a smile is just a millimeter or two away from an evil sneer!

May you have many…what you see may end up being deliciously so much more than what you expect!...I’m looking—with my compass, sextant, charts, GPS, designer duds, and an attitude—but for what, please remind me!...I just love it when I swing through the jungle trees like Tarzan, and all of the vines are easily reachable!…smiles!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

My New Smile And I Are Going To Catch a Nice Girl At This Party Tonight! Part 2.

Your “we are but mere observers, and fortuitously living today in this eternally-blossoming universe” smile, LOVES WALKING ON A PERFECT DAY, SLOWLY, THROUGH THE MANY SMALL BEDS OF FANTASTICALLY COLORED AND ABUNDANTLY GROUPED ROSES, AND REACHING OUT AND HOLDING DIFFERENT FLOWERS NEAR YOUR FACE, TAKING A WHIFFY SAMPLE OF ITS DEPENDABLY, AND ATTRACTIVELY, STIMULATING OLFACTORY EFFECTS, that way, the HSR can continue using its powerful binoculars to check, follow, and catalogue the many species of smiles spotted in the park.

Quick Background: My dentist just gave me some new dazzling fronts for my smile, and I’m celebrating and testing them out at a wild party downtown with many lights, cameras, and plenty of action, and big video screens, but… someone, all of a sudden, is trying to get my attention!

I’m upstairs on a balcony looking down on the main dance floor, and feeling great with my favorite drink, blended unsweetened orange juice and ice, with two cherries on top.

While bobbing my head and snapping my finger, someone with a dainty touch taps me on my shoulder.

I turn around slowly…

…but I’m looking straight into the chest area of a girl!…

So I look up to see who this taller-than-me young lady is, and…


It’s Chance, from my high school!

Wow, is she stunning!

And she’s with her twin sister Chase.

They both were All League stars on the Women’s Water Polo Team…so you know they have hit that acquired Amazonian gene jackpot!

They both look like they just strutted off of the pages of Elle magazine.

I had major crushes on them back then…shucks all the boys did!

She’s looking into my eyes, with a deep effort. Then her eyes gaze upon my smile.

I’m superconfident in that department, because my Dentist just sharpened me up hot! I checked it! And now she is.

Yeah, keep staring at them, girl…enjoy every penny of money I spent on them!

But when I check on her smile…I see that her set has a lot of ‘mass lightning’ to it.

That’s okay.

She’s so fine, she has her own boulevard!

Yeah, Buddy!

I lift my head to give her a message with my eyes…

Gee, we haven’t spoken any words yet, just staring! I’ll let her speak first so I can tell where her mind is at.

As I gaze into her eyes, standing there, I am quickly drawn into the area of her mind, which overtakes my imagination, and I am whisked away into a new reality, and plunked down into a junction of five long dirt caves. Just like that!

Man! What’s this going on! They didn’t put anything into my drink, did they?

This must be a set of some Hollywood movie…but, I want to go back to the club!!

I pinch myself…it hurts…dang, don’t tell me this is real!

Coming from one of the caves, I hear the sound of a lot of rapidly moving water approaching fast.

I see it coming as a trickle first down one of the caves, and there’s going to be a scary flood next, I expect.

Wait a minute! First, I’m in the hottest club in the city, and now I have become lost in the magnetically beautiful eyes of a mysterious woman…

…that’s right… lost in a bunch of caves, in danger, deep in her eyes…

I need to quickly decide which cave to run down to save my, almost video game-like life…Right Now!...Let’s see…I’ll…


May you have many…when I see the sun’s rays break through the clouds and form columns of light, I feel the majesty…speaking of the sun, who gave it permission to have the same effect as one million atom bombs going off every second, for billions of years, huh?...intense physical exercise is always more difficult than sitting at a desk performing computer, paper, and other sedentary office tasks, so Dentistry has nothing on Judo in that department!…smiles!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Girl Fight! Her New Smile Launched a Million Internet Looks! Part 2.


Quick Background: Rona just got her braces off and looks knockout fine! With her new large space between the front teeth, all of the high school boys are starting to intensely stare at and adore her. But Meg and the other female students don’t like her getting all that attention from their boyfriends one bit!

An angry Meg fumes, “Rona thinks she can just come on in and take over and stuff!...Well, she’s got another thing coming! Tomorrow, it’s going down!”

Crystal, one of Meg’s good friends, chimes in, “I know what you saying. And my boyfriend Nick is paying way much attention to her, too. He didn’t even show up to get our usual ice cream cones after school yesterday!”

Erin, Meg’s other close friend, reveals, “When I got my braces off, Reggie (her boyfriend), just said, “Nice.” And he doesn’t stare at me like he stares at Rona!...I hate her smile!...”

Meg says, “When I got my braces off, all Curtis said was that he was glad that now our braces won’t get stuck together anymore! Duh! Sheesh!”

Just then, Curtis walks up to them and cheers, “Hey y’all, what’s up? Yo, why the sad faces? Hey, Meg, before I get my braces off, should I get a space between my teeth?”

Meg fumes and twist-pinches Curtis on his arm closest to her.

“Ouch!” yelps Curtis. “Why’d you do that?”

“You need to stop feigning with Rona, ‘cause you’re my stuff,” possesses Meg.

Next, Nick runs up to the group and tells Curtis, “Man, we have football practice right now! Come on!”

He turns and sees his girlfriend Crystal, and says, “Oh, hi, Crys!”

Nick reaches out to touch Crystal’s hand, but Crystal pulls it away and curtly tells Nick, “Humff! You’re either with me or with that floosie Rona! I see you checking her out too much!”

“Aww, Babee, you know, you’re the only one for me,” confesses Nick, “Well, let’s talk more over ice cream after practice!”

Crystal loses some of her upsetness, and allows Nick, “Okay.”

Erin says, “Hey, guys, I’ve got to go to Calc Study Group. Let’s talk later.”

Meg and Crystal walk over to their adjoining lockers.

Crystal opens her locker and says, “Rona’s in my Physics Study Group. I’m going to keep an eye on her and see if she has any plans. If she does, then that equal and opposite reaction stuff in Physics is gonna happen right to her!”

“Right about that! Well,” says Meg, “I’m off to the Library, see ya!”

Meg slowly strolls to the Library in deep thought, even at times ignoring some of her waving friends who are walking by her, so immersed is she with thinking of what to do about Rona.

She mistakenly bumps into her gay friend, Sampson.

He blurts out, “Hey, Mitch! Watch where you’re walking! Oh, I’m sorry…Meg, it’s you. What’s up, child?”

“I’m sorry, Sampson. I’m just trying to think of what to do, because my boyfriend keeps looking at Rona, with her new smile,” admits Meg.

“Oh, you mean your man Curtis, with the big shoulders, who looks so cute with those tight football pants on. I’d love to rub his sore muscles after the game, but he’s just not my type, squirms Sampson.

They both continue to walk to, then in to, the Library.

To their surprise, they both see that Rona is between the tall bookshelves looking for a periodical.

Meg goes behind the Library counter and places her book bag down. Sampson walks to the Men’s room.

A few moments pass in the super quiet place…

…then Rona starts screaming loudly, because some how the tall book shelves start to lean and begin to fall over on her…


May you have many…I’m smiling because I’m in some serious shade on this hot day, feeling a comfortable side breeze…I had too much ice cream on my cone the other day, because, it ran all down my arm!...sometimes my life is good and even great, but there’s so much unbearable pain in this world that my happiness gets tempered with sad reality…smiles!