Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bring Out Some Life-saving “T-Rex” Qualities In Your Smile!

-The information-rich HSR is guaranteed to BLAST OUT BIG LIKE A NEW YORK NEON SIGN, your “more popular than that ol’ Super Bowl“ smile!-

When you get down to the brass tacks and to the essence of it, Mankind still lives in a jungle!

Don’t let all that concrete, tall buildings, technology, and prim and proper table manners fool you!

It’s still a dog-eat-dog, only-the-strongest-survive world in which we live, and all of our lives hang in the balance but by only a thin precarious thread of vital life, which can be broken by our own doing, but more importantly, by the doings of others!

Protecting ourselves by fending off any and all physical harm and threats thereto is just as applicable now, as it was since the dawn of our ancestors.

We can use our intellect, cunning, and skills of guile and deception, to militaristically and/or martial-artistically defeat and render useless people who would try to harm us.

If, in the heat of battle, when an opponent gets past the protective perimeters of our flying fists, feet, elbows, and knees, we may just have left the proverbial head butt, and our many dependably incising teeth.

Yes, our multitasking, denticular pearly whites just may save our days…and our lives!

We can gnash, gnaw, mash, crush, cut, tear, slice, and dice our enemy’ skin, muscle, and bones, if it gets down to that. Even if it’s a mountain lion! Yes, bite back to live another day! Whoa, can you envision such a back-and-forth biting contest? And spit out what ever comes aloose in the mouth…Yuck!

But a person’s gotta do what a person’s gotta do!

Mother Nature stages many ultimate eat-or-be-eaten contests everyday in the jungle, forest, and undersea realms of the world’s vast Animal Kingdom--on cellular and multi-cellular levels. And, upon close examination, Man is no different!

Man has fights and wars, and this has always been the case, and, no doubt, according to our DNA, will always be the case. So, let us, who wish to survive, take some lessons from the majestic, not-to-be-fooled-with T-Rex, the shark, and other notable canine-rich animals endowed with efficient, no-second-chance-giving, dangerous dentitions.

But let us also look “fashionably and esthetically cool in the mirror,” at all times, while doing so!

So let’s go over our must-haves check list:

-Enamel mineralized, unbreakable in task, and hardened to the max, check

-Gums tight and healthy around the teeth, giving great color contrast to the white teeth, check 

-Bone solid and true, reliably anchoring the teeth against any great pressure, against any foreign body part, making all missions come out a winner, check

-Muscles powerful enough to register up to an average of 120 pounds per square inch of biting force capacity, check

-Saliva lubricating any penetrating entry into any material that gets in the way, check 

Okay, now that we have our armamentarium reaffirmed…

…you never know when you might have to aggressively snarl and brandish your battle-ready jaws, to give sufficient warning to anyone even thinking about stepping toward you the wrong way, to prevent or diffuse a situation. Grrrr!

They’ll get masticated in a minute!

So keep your oral weapon “fight-and-bite” ready, remembering that…
…all is fair in war, and, especially…in love!

Hey, may you have many…the longer the teeth, the deeper and more satisfying what is bitten!...when I think about it, my mouth is my own personal blender!...uh-oh, I am not going to go MMA-style on this drunk guy with a plastic knife!…smiles!

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