Saturday, September 27, 2014

“How High Is Your Dental IQ” Test, Part 3.

The HSR is LEAVING NO STONE UNTURNED, CHECKING OUT ALL OF THE CUPBOARDS, SNOOPING IN ALL OF THE BUSINESSES, AND GENERALLY SNIFFING AROUND THE WHOLE PLACE, TO TURN UP ANY FRAUD, PLAGIARISM, KNOCK-OFFS, AND MISREPRESENTATIONS, when it comes to how your “if you let me, I’m gonna rock your world like there’s no tomorrow” smile, is distributed across the Internet and through out the galaxy and Universe ad infinitum!

1. T or F

Periodontics is the branch of Dentistry that deals with the gums, bone and                                                           other structures around the teeth.

2.  Adult teeth that have “gum problems” or periodontitis can show the following characteristic:

a)    persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth.

b)   red, tender, and swollen gums that may easily move away from the teeth.

c)    gums that bleed easily when toothbrushing or flossing is done. Sometimes blood from the mouth may show up on the pillow after sleep.

d)   loose teeth that seem to grow apart over time.

e)    teeth that hurt after drinking hot or cold beverages.

f)     All of the above.

3.   A root canal treatment involves:

a)    the internal whitening  of a dark tooth.

b)   the removal of diseased nerve and pulp tissue in the middle of the tooth.

c)    scraping and removing hardened accumulations off of the teeth.

d)   the use of hydrogen peroxide on the enamel rods.

4.  T or F

          Dental plaque, material alba, and oral biofilm are essentially the same thing and include unsallowed food, saliva and salivary products, debris from old mouth cells, and germs (oral biome) in their make-up. 

5.  The amount of time needed for an implant to bond to the bone holding it is:

a)    none, because it can chemically bond immediately.

b)   two weeks.

c)    one month, because the platelets and T-cells take that long to organize.

d)   about four months, for the osteoblastic activity to complete osseointegration.

e)    One year or more, otherwise the implant will be rejected by the body.

6.  In some cases, an implant is better that a bridge to replace a missing tooth                  

a)    the teeth on either side of the space can be left alone.

b)   home care for an implant is easier than home care for a bridge.

c)    under the right conditions, an implant may actually last longer than a bridge.

d)   it’s easier to remove the crown of an implant than to remove a bridge.

e)    implants can not grow a cavity.

f)     all of the above.

Answers:   1. T, 2. f, 3. b, 4. T, 5. d, 6. f   

May you have many…my mom said I can still come home if I fail the test…on Earth, day turns into night and then back again, but the Sun takes no breaks…do you have more energy after work compared to when you start?...smiles!

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