Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Phenomenon Of The Human Smile Is Worthy Of Its Own Universe!

THE HEAVY AND SOGGY-DIAPERED, LONG-SLING-DROOLING-EVERYWHERE, MULTIPLE DRAW-OPENING, GENERAL HAVOC-WREAKING, DOG-TAIL-PULLING, SNOT-NOSE SNIFFIN’, JUST BARELY WALKING, BABY HSR REACHES FOR SOMETHING THAT HE’S NOT SUPPOSED TO TOUCH, AND HIS MOMMA SHOUTS “NO!,” MAKING THE YOUNG HSR OPEN IT’S BIG MOUTH WIDE AND CRY LOUDLY, SHOWING HIS TWO TEETH AT THE BOTTOM IN THE FRONT…WAIT…WHAT’S THAT…THOSE AREN’T TEETH… THOSE ARE HIS FIRST TWO BLOG POSTS!…THE START OF A VIRTUAL DENTITION! ...AWW…ISN’T THAT CUTE…and, of course, your “but sir, why are you holding your computer as if it were a baby? And I reply, “It is…The infant HSR…Who shall grow up to inform citizens of their inalienable rights to Beautiful Smiles!”” smile, sat down on a bench in the garden and thought, “What would the people behind the mirrors see, if they were to look into other mirrors?”
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“Life is an adventure not to be feared, but an adventure to be revved up and relished!”

Man, since the birth of Man, has always fallen for the look and the bite of a beautiful woman. And vice versa.

An anatomically optimized, golden proportioned, and orthodontically aligned and synergized smile “made to beautifully fit together” with the rest of the face and body, magnetically (on a psychological level) attracts the attention and vision of people drawn to such.

For hundreds and hundreds of years, the great writers, painters, sculptors, observers, philosophers, and aesthetic experts have mused about how the smile is intimately associated with the most wonderful and euphoric of internal emotions and how it relates to the outward showing of kindness, joy, love, and happiness.

Know that some people don’t want to smile when they are happy, because they don’t want to seem weak, or don’t want an observer to otherwise know the nonsmiler’s true feelings.

You’ve heard of the term, “poker face?”

A person could be so happy to receive a royal flush in a card game, that they are doing cartwheels and jumping up and down in the mind, while on the outside, what people can see, they remain as cool as a cucumber, and no one will pick up on it.

Conversely, a player could have the world’s worse combination of cards, but facio-strategically wants to fake, or bluff the other players into a spot with a no emotion reaction.

Yes, there are different types of smiles, but what makes a happy person burst out a true grin?

Well, a French Neurologist by the name of Guillaume Benjamin Amand Duchenne de Boulogne-sur-Mer, a serious studier of facial expressions and other facial phenomena in the mid 1800s, concluded that when the zygomaticus muscles, which raise up the corners of the mouth, are simultaneously accompanied by the contracting lateral orbicularis oculi muscles, which form the squinting or Crow’s Feet on the sides of the eyes, then the smiler can be said to show a genuine, heartfelt, or “Duchenne” smile!

A barely-there, Pan Am, botox, or Mona Lisa smile is a minimal-contraction gesture, just slightly using the zygomaticus muscles to almost hint at an upturn of the mouth’s corners. Who knows what can be going on in the mind of a smiler that expresses at this minimal level of facial commitment!

The biggest and happiest smile known to science, which includes the Duchenne contraction requirements, and adds the closed eyes, and a couple of other muscle groups, to the full smile is termed the “Winge” smile, or the InfiniSmile, and was first elucidated in 2014 by Pacific Coast Dentist Ralph Winge, D.D.S.

So, as with many times, where we can only obtain cues and signals from face value, the real motivations behind a smile are, and have always been, and always will be, within the mind of the smiler.
You might remember the story about the face that launched a thousand ships, and caused big wars and battles, where many soldiers of fortune went on to meet their Maker…well, the woman that the story talks about didn’t have a bucked or otherwise jacked-up smile, you can bet!

She, without a doubt, had a face that could dependably hypnotize and mesmerize even the strongest and most powerful of men!

The allure, the mystery and the beauty of the smile complex…comes in many shades, sizes, and thanks to lipstick, many colors.

But what would a nicely structured smile look like without the compliment and support of nicely structured surrounding lips…it wouldn’t look right or maybe even horrible!

Thanks, Mother Nature for the yin and yang mouth—the hard teeth and soft lips! They’re inseparable!

In my practice, no matter how many smiles I have seen as a dentist, the next new day brings forth more new smiles, and some of them are “shock wowers” because they totally fit in with the face and produce that “ephemeral jolt” when first beheld, that requisitely accompanies a perfect “MegaSmile!”

Natural ones like that are very few and far between! So, I pinch myself when I see one!

Let’s talk more on this!...

May you have many…wow, powerful, antibiotic-producing bacteria found in the ground are being isolated, grown, and studied, while still kept in the soil medium in the ground, inside of small steel-caged “compartments”—because we haven’t learned how to grow these bacteria in the lab yet—so in this case, regular old dirt beats out the age-old Petri Dish as an initial growth would you describe the feelings felt when you get some money?...I saw a time-lapse video of the unique cloud action in our Earth’s atmosphere along our tallest and coldest mountains , seeing wind, moisture, and high altitude intersect, resulting in that local cloud atmosphere “acting  liquidy” in character…smiles!

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