Saturday, January 24, 2015

Smiling And Laughter…Open Up Wide, Say "Aah," And Take These Medicines Now! Part 2.

STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, FEEL, SMELL, AND TASTE WHAT THE HSR IS COOKIN’ IN THE LARGE GOURMET KITCHEN FOR TWO HUNDRED OF ITS CLOSEST FRIENDS AND COMPETITORS GATHERED IN THE MUSIC CENTER’S DINING HALL, TO CLEAR THE AIR AND MAKE IT KNOWN THAT THERE IS INDEED OPERATIONAL ROOM FOR ALL OF US, because your “this guy said that there is another twin Earth that is always on the exact opposite side of the sun, so that we can’t see it ever…is that true?” smile, likes going up brooks, streams, waterfalls, cataracts, and, yes, creeks, but, of course, with a paddle!
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“Live life on your own terms within the general parameters of civil society.”

Exploring and enjoying our lives with optimism, inspiration, gratitude, love,  laughter, and sincere smiling infuses and strengthens us with many short-term and long-term psychophysiological advantages, including helping us to:

-have more situational insight and be more creative and imaginative in answering questions and finding solutions

-feel more in control

-improve digestion

-think outside the box

-lower excess blood sugars

-uncover the fact that UCSF researchers have identified 19 different types of smiles

-admire the electroencephalograph’s revelation that brain waves are widely stimulated as humor is being analyzed and responded to in the brain

-discover that the brain’s frontal lobe, cerebral cortex, and other areas contribute to the pleasantly-unexpected experience of comedy-initiated laughter

-lighten our burdens with a better perspective

-heal and renew from any of life’s scrapes and bruises

-improve resistance to disease

-release endorphins and other “feel good” neurotransmitters to promote feelings of well-being

-limit feeling overwhelmed

-raise the threshold of possibly getting upset

-increase tissue oxygenation from better blood flow

-eliminate cognitive dissonance

-elevate the threshold for pain intolerance

May you have many…some say that we only use 10 to 15% of our brains, so what happens with the other 85% --is it secret, undiscovered dark matter or something, or is it the part that goes "boom" when we experience ultimate pleasure? it just me, or does anybody else also think that the Internet one day will be most powerful,  and instead being like a helping hand, it will be more like a strangling grasp?...if you want to be rich, act like you are already, because in many ways, you already are, then just figure out and piece together the rest of the minor details to complete the cycle!…smiles!

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