Friday, September 15, 2023

Upper Lip Winge's Peaks Of...Jewish Notables!...


Here are some people of 

the Jewish Faith who have

an elatus labialis wingeulus,

a mysterious, powerful, hypnotic, and genetically-dominant facial trait,

down the middle of their upper lips:

Meagan Good

Lady Gaga

Scarlett Johansson


Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Ezra Miller

Jack Black

Eve Harlow

Goldie Hawn

Gal Gadot

Nissim Black


Rashida Jones

U.S. Supreme Court Judge Elena Kagan

Yaphet Kotto

Michael Cohen

Winona Rider

Mary Wiseman

Odeya Rush

Rabbi Arnold J. Ford

Anna De Armas

Lior Raz

Lauren London

Whoopie Goldberg



Andre Stoudamire


Gilbert Gottfried


Sammy Davis, Jr.

...More to come!

Is this 'God's Beauty Mark on His First Powerful Ancient Warriors?' 

(approx. 200,000 years ago.)

Elatus labialis wingeulus, a genetically-dominant physical trait, is an 'appendage' over the
upper lip's middle tubercle frontal surface, and is a naturally-occurring, variably-manifested, 

vertically-oriented, differentiated soft tissue, epithelial-emanating fold or ridge or 

line or prominence, or otherwise, with subepithelial components (Winge's Peak 

Connective Tissue Complex), which coincides with the midline of the face 

and the interincisal and mid-sagittal lines, and runs down the middle of the 

middle tubercle surface of the rostral upper lip, which may extend inferiorly 

from the middle of the Vermillion Border's Cupid's Bow, down to the lower 

edge of the lip, with or without significant elevation above the surrounding 

lateral labial tissues, with or without the presence of differentiated vermillion 

surface epithelium (Winge Epithelium) seen along the linear crest of the Peak, 

and with or without the presence of an inferiorly-positioned procheilon.

"All humans that have evidence of an elatus labialis wingeulus 

on their upper lips 


considered to have 'Potentiated Functional Capacities to 'be, think and act,''

and are said

to be 

direct descendants of the prehistoric humanoid species homo 


This very well may be the first time that a prehistoric humanoid species is 

being proposed on an interesting soft tissue representation alone.

Additional Resources:

'elatus labialis wingeulus'...The Winge's Peak... And Its Classification System...Part 1....

Winge's Peaks Of...Presidents...Kings...Sultans... And...Emperors!

Winge's Peaks Of...The Biggest...And Baddest... Rappers!...

Ralph Winge, D.D.S., USC Dental School Graduate,

and elucidator of 

elatus labialis wingeulus.

Doctor Winge's...'Most Dangerous' Smiles...For 2023...Are...

Can You Tell...If...People Are...'Straight'...'Gay'... 'LGBTQIA+' ...'Pan'...'Fluid'...'Cross Dressing'... 'They'... 'Non-Binary'...'None Of The Above'... 'All Of The Above'...Or...'What Ever*'...Just By... Looking At ...'Their' Smiles?''...Part 2....

The First USC Trojan Dentist To Elucidate and Name An 'Unusual' Oral Anatomy Feature!... The Winge's Peak!

'elatus labialis wingeulus'...The Winge's Peak... And Its Classification System...Part 1....

All Of The Manual Toothbrushing Methodologies Invented From 1932 to 2023!

Beautiful Spy...Tricks Dentist...To Help Get The ...'God Algorithms'...From...Google, Apple, Tesla, Amazon, And Facebook!...Part 5...(Post # 450)

The Dentist Who...Saves Christmas!...Part 8 ...(Oh No!...A Deadly Dark Matter Cloud Is Racing To...Melt Earth!…On Christmas!…But…Hopefully…This Dentist’s Plan…Will...)

The Last Secret...Baby Tooth!...Part 13...

For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.

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